A Shell of Lucy Chen

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Our reunion was soon broke up by her being pulled onto a stretcher.
"She's hemorrhaging..." I hear someone say.
"She was pregnant... but she lost the baby. I didn't know til Caleb told me." I say... and everyone's heads snap to me as I let out a pained sob.
"Come on you can ride with her." They life flighted us to Shaw Memorial.

When we arrived at the hospital they separated us again. They took Lucy to a room to assess the physical damage and I sat helplessly in the waiting area alternating it with pacing back and forth.
"Hey, how you doing?" Angela came and sat by me with Wesley. Who handed me a cup of coffee.
"Wesley were is Lila?" I asked.
"Nolan and West took her home. It's been a long day."
"Thank you. For everything, both of you." I tell them.
"Of course."
"She was pregnant... with my kid." I choke out.
"Was?" Lopez said. I looked at her and her eyes were full of sorrow.
"Yeah... he told me. He kneed her in the stomach for trying to escape. I didn't even know."
"This blood on me ... it's from her losing our baby." I stare down at my bloody uniform. She pulls me into a hug again and I just rest my head on her shoulder and cry. Lucy's saved. Im allowed to break down now.
"Here, I brought you clothes." She handed me a bag.
"Thanks." I take the bag and go change. I shove the dirty uniform back in the bag.

Soon after changing I heard my name, "Officer Bradford."
"Dr. Sawyer. How is she?"
"She's sustained a good bit of injuries and she's going to have a long road of recovery mentally. But she's going to make it." I let out a deep breath and I smile, a small one but a smile none the less.
"Thank you."
"Come sit, let's talk." I nod.
"She has a sprained ankle with some torn ligaments, severe bruising to the abdomen. I was able to seal her head wound with a glue that will leave almost no scar. But she did lose a baby."
"I know... Ca— that asshole told me."
"I'm guessing it was yours." I nodded at her.
"You know she's not going to come back from this easily. Losing a baby is one thing. But losing one because someone did it to you on purpose is different."
"I know. I'll be there for her." I tell her looking down at the ground."
"I know you will., once she's settled in a room I'll have someone come get you." She pats my shoulder and walks away.

Lucy's POV
Light the light... it's bright... I open my eyes and look around. I'm in a hospital bed. I open my eyes and look around. Theres Tim sitting in a chair reading something I can't make out.
"What are you reading." My voice sounds awful.
"Lucy, your awake." He gets up and moves near me pulling the chair with him.
"You found me." I say with a small smile. He hands me some water and I chug it all almost instantly.
"I did." He nods and runs his hand down my hair and kisses my head.
"I was so scared." I tell him as I wrap my arms around him and let the tears come out.
"I know... baby." After a few minutes of him holding me, he pulls away.
"I hate to do this right now. But, I can't keep torturing myself..." he paused and looked in my eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?"
I knew exactly what he meant. Of course he knew now... there was no missing the message of blood that covered my pants before I was buried.
"I was going to tell you when I came over after meeting... him. I was waiting because I didn't want to be known as the pregnant Rookie."
"Lucy, we could have kept it to ourselves. You need to keep me in the loop about stuff." He looked me in the eyes. "No more secrets."
"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect your baby. I thought telling him would maybe make him let me go... but I was wrong. I was so wrong." I shook my head and tried to get the thoughts out of my head.
"Lucy, don't. Don't you dare feel guilty this is NOT your fault." I went limp in his arms and he held me up as I mourned the lost of my child.

"Glad to see your awake." Dr. Sawyer came in the room and gave me a weak smiles
"There's a few guests out there for you. Do you want me to ask them to come back?"
"Is Lila out there?" I need to hold my baby.
"Yes she is. Bring Lila in please." Dr. Sawyer said out the door. Soon Nolan and West walked in.

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