Chenford Undercover

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After getting sent to do some security at a undercover convention Tim lectured me about ease dropping on thing we were supposed to... apparently the seminars are strictly for UC only. If I had been caught by anyone but him I would be in big shit. I actually was listening to Nyla's lecture.

At end of shift I jump into no other than Harper herself. She saw me to, this is going to be fun.
"Hey," she walks up to me with a knowing look on her face.
"Hi." I wave a small little wave to her, feeling awkward."
"So, you know we're gonna have to talk about it, right?" She says leaning against the wall.
Look, it was a momentary lapse in judgement, and Tim has already scolded me for listening in, but I gotta say, um, what I heard at your seminar was amazing." I recalled the conversation and shuddered a little.
"I was a little rusty, but thank you."
"Listen, I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do once I'm eligible to test, and... I think I could be really good at undercover work. I would love to pick your brain sometime -- not about tactics, just... what I should focus on to prepare for the job." I explain nervously.
"I actually -- I...have time for drinks right now, if you want." She gestured to the door with her thumb. "But no tequila for you!" I laugh recalling how much I had last time she took me for drinks.
"Yeah. Great. All right. I have a homework thing with Tamara. She won't mind if we do it a little bit later. Let me just give her a call. Oh and Wesley, Tim won't be home for a few hours and Lilas babysitter will need relieved!"

Harper answers her phone as it's ringing and put her phone on speaker.
"I'm in a bind. Look, the real reason I couldn't make the convention today is because I spotted a tail on my way down from Sacramento."
Harper volunteers to go help her out and tells us she's in a Mustang GT and goes by Coco.
"Sorry. I'm gonna have to call Grey now, and we're gonna have to take a rain check on our drinks, but —"
"Totally." I'm bummed but I get it. She's gotta help a friend/colleague out.
"Unless you wanna come." She shrugs and gestures to the door.
"You go in, find June. Remember, her undercover name is Coco. She's a friend in town. Buy her a drink, chat her up. I will hang back and try and spot who her tails are.
"Coco?" I ask the girl who resembles the picture harper sent me.
"Hey." She says and gestures to the empty seat at the table.
"Hey. Harper found a tracker outside. We think they're here."
"Yeah, I know. One's at your 4:00. Haven't spotted his backup yet." The waitress approached and order us both another drink.
When a man Asian man sits down and says, "make it three. Hey what a coincidence seeing you all the way down here." He smirks.
"Like hell. You followed me" she got spunk, just like Harper. Mental UC training note: get spunky.
"We got a lot of money on the line with this deal, so we need to be very careful. A lot of people in this business, you know... they don't have integrity." He shoots her a dirty look.
"Yeah, 'cause you're just filled with integrity, aren't you, Sato?" She sips her drink.
"Oh, you say my name in front of someone that I don't know? What is wrong with you," he looks at her furious and then to me, if looks could kill we'd be dead.
Time to put my spunk to the test, "No, what's wrong with you? No one asked you to sit."
"Who is this bitch?" I throw my water in his face. " Oh, you just killed yourself. I'm looking at an empty chair right there." He threatens me.
"Then who's gonna conduct the hydrogenation process? Who's gonna perform the molecular synthesis to get the acid tables balanced? You get that wrong, you're gonna have buyers with brain bleed." I threaten him... and hope to god he buys it.
"You're the chemist." His eyes get huge and then he looks to "coco" and points at me with a smile, "She's the chemist."
"Yeah, she is. Now back off. And tell your boss price just went up 5% for the lack of trust." Coco tells him.
"Oh, I don't think so. Let's take a walk, talk about this somewhere a little more private. Hmm? We're gonna go for a little ride. Think about why, uh, I got such a bad feeling about you." He gets close to her and whispers in her ear.

"These guys are cops. They put a tracker on your car." Harper came in holding the tracker and slammed it down on the table.
"Got a bad feeling about me, huh?" Coco leans into him and gives him a look that could kill.
"Hey, we're not cops." He seems so insulted.
"You want me to do 'em here or take 'em to the farm?" Dude, I need to be trained by her next.
"Hey, you gotta believe me. Coco, you know me"

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