Dammit Lucy!

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"Come on Kojo, come one." I whisper to my new furry friend as I walk in the door of mine and Tim's house. Lila is giggling as she follows up behind us.
I let the dog of his leash once the doors closed and immediately darts toward mine and Tim's bedroom.
"Hey! Stay, stay." Tim's is pleading with the furry thing as I follow him.
By the time I'm to the room Tim is sitting up and looks deeply confused. I go over sit on the bed and hug Kojo ruffling behind his ears as I do so.
"Kojo! Oh, Kojo, Kojo! Come here. Check this out. What's this? Ohh, what a good boy! Are you so excited to meet daddy? Aah! You're such --"
"What is going on?" Tim asks me.
"Okay so remember how I was looking into getting a dog?" I asked
"No." Huh weird I could have sworn I told him.
"Yeah, dogs are super helpful for trauma recovery. I filled out the applications to foster Kojo, and they just dropped him off." I tell him and Kojo starts to whimper. "Oh it's okay, your a good doggy." I say rubbing his ears again.
"No way. Nope. Tim Bradford doesn't do dogs." He says.
"Please." I say giving him a pouting face.
"Pweaseeee Tim." Lila copied me. Good girl I raised you right.
"Fine. But off of my bed." He shoos the dog away.
"Yayy!" Lila dives into Tim's arms and hugs him. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!"
I smile at them petting Mr. Kojo.

We are walking around courtyard in uniform and Tim looks distracted.
"Are you mad about the dog?" I ask him.
"No." He huffs.
"Then what's wrong." I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Nothing." He nods at the door we need to knock on.
I knock on the door, "police." A nice dressed man opens the door looking quite annoyed.
"You're too late. It's gone." I ask. I assumed there was a person spying.
"It's?" I look around for some kind of clue.
"We got a call about a Peeping Tom?" Tim is confused as well.
"Wendy loves to tan in the morning. Last few days, this drone has shown up hovering overhead, spying on her." The guys seems really angry.
"Well, we can put out an alert, but drones can be tricky to track down." He says and he's not wrong.
"It's bad enough guys are constantly hitting on her whenever we go out. Now she's not even safe in her own home? You guys don't believe me? There's like a gravitational pull Wendy has no control over." I hold in laughter.
I'm assuming Wendy, who is dressed in bathing come walking over swaying her hips. Looking up and down Tim. I again contain a giggle by swallowing.
"Honey?" She drapes a hand on her husbands shoulder.
"They say they can't do anything about the drone."
She smiles wider and stares at Tim and give her what one could call a seductive smile.
"I'm sure that's not true. The next time I tan... you can come watch." She gives a very subtle wink.
"Ma'am --" Tim has a shocked lock on his face and I just turn and his my smile.
"Are you hitting on my wife?" Barry starts to accuse Tim.
"What? No!" He says quickly.
"Get the hell out of my house!" Barry roars and points out the door.
"Sir --" Tim holds his hands out to show he means no harm. But Barry isn't having it and I'm out the door behind Tim laughing once Barry slams the door.
"Stop." He holds his hand up and I stop laughing quickly.
"Are you hitting on my wife?" I joke. And once were in the car Tim cracks up laughing with me causing me to laugh harder.
I look at my phone and check the cam I put up to keep an eye on Kojo.
"Tim we got to go to the house." I say.
He raises an eyebrow at me. "Not unless there's a crime boot."
"No im serious look!" I show him the video and he flips on the lights and sirens and peels out to the house.

We get there and I race to the house Tim on my heels and the perpetrator jumps on my shoulder and licks my face.
"Oh, no. Oh, my God. Kojo, what did you do?! Get -- Get down. Just..." I try pushing him down.
"Sit." Tim demands and Kojo sits.
"My favorite sneakers." Tim holds them up.
"Ummm what do we do?" I ask.
"I have a cage from my old dog in the basement I'll get it. I knew I should have said no." He rubs his head and walks away.

We got Kojo situated and head back on patrol.
"Tim I'm so sorry. He destroyed your house. I will call the company to come get him. I should have asked." I look at him and his hard face softens.
"I... I'm sorry."
"Stop." He says sternly. I stop talking. What comes out of his mouth next almost floors me. "1. It's our house. 2. There's no reason to do that, you think he'll help you and make you feel safe. Fine. He stays. Stuffs replaceable your happiness is not."
"7-Adam-15 in foot pursuit of suspect. 29100 Spring. White male. 160 pounds. 5'8". Green jacket. Send backup." Nolan calls in.

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