[ Haskill x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Quiet The Mind ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

The realm of the Madgod was deafening, from the colors to the skies, even the lack of sound in this place was enough to drive your senses into overload. Staying in this place for long couldn't be good for someone's mind, you thought, slashing the sound barrier with your blade, quick and precise and deadly, perhaps a bit too logical for this place, for a battle against Jyggalag.

The Greymarch was coming. You felt it looming by the second, by the way the colors vanished far into the horizon. Perhaps it could be a rest for your overwhelmed mind, but you couldn't help but feel a knot down in your throat like fingers choking you from the inside, you knuckles growing pale around the handle of your blade; what if you were not a champion, but a nobody pretending to save a world that was past their understanding.

Doubts didn't vanish when you heard magic blooming from the ground behind you, followed by patient steps, one by one behind the other, in a way you could recognize clearly, anywhere in a thousand years.

"What's afflicting you, Your Grace?" His voice reached you like music. There was no telling if he truly was human, but him and his proper, soothing voice was the closest you had to normalcy in this place. A friendship had formed over the months you'd been there, his presence calmed you and made you feel at home, yet you had to admit your heart beat stronger for him, in a way you didn't know he'd reciprocate.

"Why are you here? I didn't summon you" you said, a tinge of amusement in your voice. You felt his eyes drilling holes into your skull, maybe you annoyed him now. Turning around and giving him a small smile, perhaps a little bit apologetic, and you saw his eyes soften. "I'm scared, Haskill. What if I'm not the right person and cannot stop the Greymarch?"

He scoffed and stepped closer, looking you in the eyes "If you weren't our Champion, you'd have died or succumbed to madness by now" seeing as that phrase did not calm you and perhaps even terrified you more, he raised a hand to your face, placing it gently on your cheek "Have some faith in yourself."

You turned your gaze towards the horizon, where the bright blues turned greys turned whites, and you leaned into his touch, trying to swallow down your nerves.

They were past the Fringe now, fighting against the very nature of the Isles, their armor clanging against your sword like doomsday bells. Dark Seducers and Golden Saints alike fought by your side, and sooner than later the Order was driven out, once and for all you wanted to believe.

Standing in silence in the middle of the battlefield, you watched as the landscape returned to the loud, bright colors that it held when you first arrived. A smirk was formed on your lips as you heard the same familiar spell erupting right behind you, and a hand was placed gently on your armored waist.

"I told you to have some faith"

The winds howled and the people of New Sheoth yelled in a frantic celebration not far away.  "I did" you said, turning around to meet his gaze which was softer in a way that only you would notice, "Thanks to you"

His soft, almost unnoticeable smile made your heart skip a beat, and the way he cupped your face was almost unbearable.

"Ey, Haskill, i need to tell you something" You cleared your throat and looked down, gesturing at him, then you, back at him with your hands... "I... Uhm, me.. i like... Uhm?..-" You stopped when he grabbed your chin and made you look at him, stern but gentle, and you felt your face grow redder by the second.

"I know" he said, and planted a chaste kiss on your lips. "I know"


Requested by WhiteoutTheDum
I had lots of fun with this, thank you !!! ☆☆

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