[ Hadvar x Reader]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ War ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

In this, the reader joined the Imperial Legion.


The air stunk of scorching flesh, mud covered the fallen bodies of soldiers from both sides, consuming them, returning them to the earth below. Stormcloak troops swarmed in, there was blood in everyone's hands. The once peaceful streets of Whiterun now burning with fire, it wasn't safe. Not anymore.

The weapon you held was more than deadly, one can almost hear the fear in the Stormcloak's hearts when they saw you in the battlefield, like they knew they wouldn't leave that place alive. You were the Dragonborn, for Akatosh's sake. Your presence itself had a high mortality rate, Hadvar said to himself, a small smile tugging at the end of his lips. He trusted your abilities. Perhaps a little too much.

It happened in seconds.

One moment you were as confident as it could get, got too distracted and got yourself stabbed in the gut by a Stormcloak soldier. He cheered as your form fell on your knees, your vision getting blurrier by the second. This seemed to boost the morale of Ulric's army, who fought a little bit harder upon seeing the Imperial Legion's best asset be taken down.

That stupid idiot just helped Alduin win, Hadvar thought, slashing his way to your side.

The last thing you heard was his voice calling for help, then you saw black.


Rushing air into your lungs you sat up, your stomach hurt like hell yet you went straight for your sword. Focusing a little bit more, the sounds of a battlefield out of Dragonsreach were no more, and your body seemed to ease up.

A second later you heard someone cross the door.

"...no, and then I..- oh shit, take it easy!" a healer said, rushing to you with a potion in hand. "You took a horrible blow back there, huh?" you just nodded. She helped you lay back down and take the potion, her eyes focused on her work, which you were grateful for because your body suddenly felt fatigued once again, the pain was back and it was unbearable. "THEY'RE AWAKE!".

Hadvar ran into the room, still fully armored and bloodied, a few more slashes adorning his face. He looked at your with a confusing yet endearing mix of concern and relief. He walked towards you.

"Is it over?"

He nodded. "Yes it is. We lost Elrik and Ruki but we won"

You frowned and looked at the ceiling, wincing in pain as the healer changed your bandages. "Not thanks to me. If I hadn't been so distracted.."

You felt Hadvar take your hand in his. "Shut up", he said as he healer left and an overbearing silence took over the room. You did so, yet you couldn't help but think about two of your friends losing their lives, not being able to see the peaceful times they've been fighting for.

"You already have the weight of the world on your shoulders. It wasn't your fault" he rubbed your hand reassuringly. You turned to look at him, meeting his eyes; his gaze was deep and war worn, yet kind, and brought you immesurable peace. He brought your hand upon his lips, placing a kiss on your knuckles, and your heart skipped a beat. "We will fight for the world they wanted. I'll be with you"


Still with your skin against his lips, he smiled. "Promise".

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