[ Savos Aren x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Remnants ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

A thud against your window woke you from a light slumber, your heart pounded for a second before you sat up to open it, to see what the deal was all about. Upon looking out, you saw the familiar face of a young dunmer, preparing to hurl another rock towards your window.

"Savos!" You whisper-yelled, a huge grin making its way to your face.

You saw him smile and wave, letting go of the rock that could have easily but your forehead had you stayed silent. With small effort, you climbed down your window and landed in the snow, running to hug your friend as tight as your arms could. You let go when you heard him cough.

"Sorry" you said, awkwardly fixing his apprentice robes.

"Why didn't you come see me in the morning? I was waiting for you" He said, frowning a bit while putting his hands in your shoulders.

"I'm grounded" you responded, voice low and sheepish while you scratched the back of your neck. "I set the cows' hay on fire, dad is finally suspecting that you're teaching me magic"

"Well isn't it true?" He pulled you with him, further away from your little house "he should just let you join the College, the Archmage has been asking about you"

"You know how he is. Magic Evil, blah blah blah, it's honestly exhausting" you let out a sigh "maybe one day".

"Maybe one day", he repeated, with one of those calm, kind smiles that made your heart stop. "Now, it's too late to go watch the Horkers fight, but I think we still have time to the other thing"

"What thing?" You asked.

"You'll see" and he intertwined his fingers with yours, walking ahead into the path away from Winterhold. Your cheeks flushed, becoming painfully aware that you were holding Savos' hand. After so many years you thought your little crush on the mage would subside, but the longer the data passed, the stronger your feelings cemented themselves.

You both walked for hours, eventually leaving the main path and going up to the mountains, where the snow froze your faces and hands, and the northern lights lit up the sky. Despite the cold nature of the place, it was a perfect winter night; the sky was clear so you could see the stars lining up in their mystical constellation forms, Secunda and Masser shone brightly above and the fire that Savos had summoned kept you warm and happy.

He eventually stopped behind a rock formation that was big enough for both of you to hide behind.

"Here. It should happen at any moment" he whispered, looking higher up the mountain, where a cave could be seen. You followed his gaze, everything was silent, quiet, you didn't know what to expect.

Right when you were about to be a little shit and say something snarky, you saw it. Dozens of ice wraiths descended from the peak of the mountains, leaving sparkling trails of ice behind them as they swirled in complex patterns right over the land, before joining together and entering the cave.

Savos took your hand again and walked towards the spikes of ice left behind by the creatures, and stood with you in the middle of them, where the moonlight hit in just the right places, and illuminated both of you and the landscape around with short, ethereal lights. He watched you twirl and smile at the sight, making his heart beat with your short, bubbling laughter. This place was as beautiful as it was, but he came to see it around you.

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