Chapter 41

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"I think I just found a new hobby." I mumbled against Adrian's lips, running my hands through his hair and for the nth time, wondering what product he used in it.

He quirked an eyebrow and pecked my lips once more before reluctantly pulling away a little to take a look at me. "Really? I don't sound too arrogant now to guess it involves me, do I?" He gave me his oh-so-familiar smirks that had me rolling my eyes at him.

"You always sound arrogant, you smirk-devil." I scoffed before leaning forward to kiss him once more, catching him by surprise. It was the first time I was kissing him without any inhibitions and damn if it didn't feel like I was flying above the clouds in my own pair of wings which didn't even need to be flapped. "So my new favorite hobby," I whispered against his lips and slowly trailed mine to his left ear, "is kissing you."

In reply, he tightened his hold on my waist and pulled me closer than before-  if that was even possible- and practically ate my lips while I ate his in return, sighing happily at their slightly mint and chocolate mixed flavor.

"So does that mean we can continue doing this all day long? I'd be absolutely delighted to let you indulge in your favorite activity." He closed his eyes and leaned in towards me once again. As much as it was tempting to take up on his suggestion and lock him up in this office, my mind suddenly reminded me of a more important matter. So smiling mischievously, I quickly grabbed a sticky note from his desk and held it up just in time for his lips to connect with it.

He snapped his eyes open in confusion as to how my lips felt so sticky while I doubled over in laughter at his expression. This earned me an Evelyn style eye roll from him despite the corner of his lips quirking upwards.

"Very mature, Eve." He said with another eye roll after taking out the paper which was sticking on his lips proudly like a hotel's fiftieth anniversary celebration flyer. I stuck out my tongue at him,  feeling very mature now that he'd mentioned it.

"Alright, since you don't want to go on with my brilliant suggestion, what do you suggest we do? Because work sounds very unappealing right now. And I don't want to leave you just yet." He resumed his hold on my waist and tried his best to give an exaggerated pout but that only made him look like an adorable little duckling. I couldn't stop myself from pecking those adorable beaks.

"I'll tell you what to do now. Take me to a date." I gave him my version of a pleading look that resulted in a not-so-short kiss from him. Then, as if just registering my words, he pulled away with a frown.

"Date? Now? Come on, Eve. Our first date should be special. Let me plan things first. I want to create a good impression on you."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Seriously, Addie? Do you think we'd be here today if you hadn't created a good impression on me?" I thought for a moment before adding, "well, you didn't really create a good impression but oh, well, I had to make do with what I had."

He opened his mouth, no doubt, to argue against my statement but I cut him off-with my lips- which immediately shut him off effectively. Yup. Definitely my favorite hobby.

"No more talking now. I'm getting hungry and the idea of my perfect date would be a cute little diner serving excellent food." I softly touched his left cheek with my right hand before continuing, "I don't need anything special and extravagant, Adrian. I'll be happy with a simple lunch. It's the company that matters."

Well, this earned me the Adrian style intense look and purely Adrian style intense kiss that lasted for a good few minutes, but I couldn't be sure since I was blown away to cloud nine all of a sudden. "God, I love you so much, my Minnie." He whispered as soon as he pulled away, making my body hot and shivering at the same time.

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