Chapter 54

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Heyoo! I'm back with the new chapter! Sorry for the delay, and a HUGE thank you for all the comments! You have no idea how much I loved reading them! I have half a mind to end every chapter in a cliffhanger just to hear your thoughts lol. Jk! Anyways, without further ado, I present you, chapter 54!


"Due to lack of strong evidences claiming otherwise, it is clear that Ms. Evelyn White has willingly signed the contract stating the ownership of her company to Mr. Adrian Stone. I hereby declare that the legal rights of Eva's and Co. goes to Mr. Adrian Stone. The winning party may now begin their processing. A warning is also issued for Ms. Evelyn White to refrain from wasting the time of the court by making false claims. The court is adjourned." The judge stood up and left, effectively cutting off the only straw of hope I was hanging on.

The company now belonged to Adrian. I had lost. Everything I had worked for was now gone.

It was silent in the courtroom, since only the four of us were present- him and Nate, me and my lawyer. Somehow the media wasn't aware of the happenings in my office. There were a few rumors circulating for a few days about the company going through a remodeling or something of the sorts but that was it. I was just glad I had one less thing to deal with.

It was a private courtroom as it was, another thing I was thankful of. I ran my hands through my hair, gripping it tightly as a sharp ache invited itself in my head. Suddenly, my throat clogged up and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I held onto my bench for support and leaned forward, trying to take deep breaths to calm myself down. I closed my eyes, clenching my fists tightly over my chest as I fought to have control over myself. It had been so long since I had had a panic attack that I'd forgotten how it felt.

My hands started shaking and my breaths came out in pants. I couldn't see well- everything around me was blurring right before my eyes. I knew I was trembling, I knew I had to get up and leave before they became aware of my weakness but I couldn't stand. I couldn't do anything except clench my fists tightly and bring them up to cover my face. Please let this be over soon, please. I kept chanting this in my head.

I could hear some murmuring but couldn't decipher the words. I suddenly felt a strong presence beside me before I was encased into a warm embrace, the overwhelming scent of fresh chocolate and mint giving me comfort like nothing before. The arms were gently rocking me and some sweet words were being whispered in my ears but at the moment I could sense nothing other than the scent that felt like home.

After what felt like an eternity, the haze slowly started clearing off from my mind and I finally came back into reality. I could breathe a little easier and became aware of my surroundings. Then I realized that the person holding me was not home at all. He was the very person who had taken away my home from me. How could I have let him comfort me?

I jerkily pulled away from his hold and stood up, ignoring the pain I saw in his eyes that somehow looked real. He must be one hell of an actor since he had been fooling me all this time. I took a step back when he stood up as well. It was then that I noticed that we were the only ones present in the courtroom now.

"Are you alright?"

I snapped my head to turn to the person standing before me with fake concern in his eyes. I let out a humorless laugh at his words. "What do you think?" I hated the way my voice trembled as I let those words out.

He closed his eyes briefly and ran his fingers through his hair, bringing a sense of déjà vu in me, reminding me of the times my fingers did that. I quickly pushed that thought out of my mind just as he spoke next, quietly. "I'm sorry."

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