Chapter 47

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"Wow, your place is lovely, Eve!" Jade exclaimed, stepping inside with her little baby girl.

"Thank you, Jade." I smiled and led her into the living room. It was Saturday and I'd invited her over for lunch seeing as she wanted to meet to decide the name for her baby girl. However, I had serious doubts as how I would be able to help. I shuddered a little as I remembered Allie's cat that I named Creep.

To my defense, I never liked cats, especially the black ones with creepy green eyes. It was all I could do then to not kill Allie when she'd brought the feline in our apartment for the first time claiming it as a poor little cutie. The relief I'd felt when it was finally dumped into the hands of her ex-boyfriend was so immense that I would've partied all night long if only she wasn't moping about the creepy pet who had been gifted to her by her creepier boyfriend. So when she didn't like him anymore, she dumped both him and his cat on his apartment.

Back to the present, I tried to smile at the little bundle of a human in Jade's arm as they sat down in the couch. In response, she gave me a strange look one might give to an aimless fly.

Well, I tried, at least.

"So, Eve, how have you been?" Jade asked, settling her daughter securely on her lap. I eyed the infant once more before turning my attention back to her.

"I've been well, thank you. What about you?"

I cringed inwardly when I realized how formal I sounded. I couldn't help it. Despite what I was like in childhood, I really didn't know Jade well enough, and I didn't know how to act front of her. I wanted her to like me considering I liked her. Are you sure that's the only reason why? Does her being someone's elder sister not matter here? For permission and approvals- those kinds of stuffs, you know? My subconscious, Ms. S butted in from inside my head.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who noticed my nerdy response. Jade raised one of her eyebrows at me- that made her look so much like her devil of a brother whom I was beginning to miss. Ha, look at our Juliet here. She's missing someone whom she just saw yesterday. Tsk tsk.

I willed my subconscious to shut up as Jade spoke. "Gosh! You don't need to be so formal, Eve! I'm not your school teacher! If you're worrying about making an impression on me, don't. I already love you and would love you more if you became my sister. For future, you know? And I know for sure that it's not just me who will be happy. I know a certain someone who might as well go mad with happiness if you decide to... um... change the dynamics of our relationship." She wiggled her brows suggestively at me, making me blush deeply.

Her little teasing comment made me wonder what it would be like to actually be married to- No, Eve! Stop right there! You are NOT a little girl to go on daydreaming. Wake up and get back to your senses now! For once, my subconscious was making an effort to bring me back to reality. I sighed a little.

"Well... I'll um... keep that in mind," I responded awkwardly, feeling embarrassed for no reason.

"Relax, Eve, I was just teasing you. Or... perhaps I wasn't." She winked at me and laughed out loud at my flabbergasted expression, causing the little bundle in her arms to let out a shrill cry.

Jade's eyes immediately turned from teasing to motherly concern as she gently lifted her daughter up and rocked her slowly, making cooing noises at her. It was like pure magic- the way she curled up to her mother and her crying stopped. I watched in awe as the baby gave a lovely smile to her mother and put her little finger in her mouth.

"Do you want to hold her?" Jade asked, noticing me staring at her daughter. I immediately started shaking my head to refuse but before that, the said bundle was thrust into my arms. I looked down at the tiny little girl, who now looked so small compared to my arms that I was afraid I'd break her into two if I picked her up a little roughly. I awkwardly brought my hand up and patted her gently while she gave me a curious look with her wide eyes.

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