Chapter 20

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Adrian's POV:

"Seriously, what's gotten into you tonight, man? You have been awfully quiet. Lost your batman undies?" Nate asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I simply ignored him like I'd been doing all night.

We were currently in the VIP lounge in Red Diamonds, one of the clubs I owned and our favorite place to hang out. I'd come here for a distraction but with every passing minute, I felt like the opposite purpose was being fulfilled here.

Nate was about to open his mouth to make another nasty comment but was interrupted by two waitresses entering with whiskey bottles and glasses. Both of them came with extra sway in their steps, no doubt hellbent on flaunting their 'assets' but the only significant thing I noticed about them was their hair color. One of them had raven black hair while the other was a redhead.

Nate, the award winning playboy with record breaking flirtmanship, wasted no time unloading his charms as the raven haired woman handed him his glass and I was left contemplating about asking specifically for the male waiters next time around. Because this man could never give up an opportunity to flirt and then proceed things further with any female species who have completed their puberty. And that too, in this very room, no matter who was in presence. He was annoyingly obsessed with this particular room in the club and would never leave this place, nor the ladies.

I was thinking of ways to kick them out of here when I felt a hand touching my arm. I turned my head to my left to see the red head leaning towards me with a seductive smile. At least that was what I thought she wanted to go with. I didn't really find that as seductive. Maybe if it had been some other day, I might have. But not today. Not when I had an annoying presence of a certain hot headed female in my mind.

It didn't help that the waitress was a redhead. It reminded me of the soft auburn waves I had a fleeting chance of running my hands through. I remembered the moment just a few hours ago when my lips were on hers. The moment I'd waited for years. Unconsciously, my hand went to my lips as I recalled that exquisite feeling that reached straight to my heart as soon as her lips touched mine. I could still feel that sweet taste on my lips, the taste that I wanted to savor for the rest of my life.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize Nate looking at me curiously until he spoke to the ladies. "Out. Both of you. And make sure there's no disturbance tonight." He spoke with authority that had both of them scrambling out of the door before I could even ask if he had a fever.

Once they were gone and the door was shut, Nate looked at me and crossed his hands, as if waiting for me to speak. I rolled my eyes. "You lawyer shit doesn't work on me, you retard. So stop your useless, pathetic attempt at looking intimidating because let me tell you, you look like a beggar waiting for someone to drop you a penny." I said dryly.

He immediately straightened up and glared at me. "Don't even think that you can fool me, you bastard. Just spill out everything that's concerned with you looking like a kid drooling at the thought of pizza."

Now it was my turn to glare at him but that annoying human had no intention of backing down. I groaned aloud when I saw him still looking at me expectantly. Realizing that I wasn't going to get my way out of this,I took a deep breath and told him what had been on my mind the whole day.

"I kissed Evelyn."

Nate suddenly choked on his drink so vigorously that I had to pat his back roughly a number of times to make him come back to normalcy. Even then, he was still wheezing like a crazy asthmatic idiot.

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