Scared Straight Sleepover

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I search through Faith's closet for a good 30 minutes while listening to her talk about all the ways she's gonna slap her boyfriend, I finally find something cute and scandalous. I hold up the cute outfit to her and say "This is perfect!".  She looks at me with a stank face and says "Pearl I am not taking any pictures in that, my boobies will be all over the place." I roll my eyes and shout "girl that's the point, you want to make him wish he answered that phone when you called him earlier or not?". She gives in and mumbles "Okay fine, I'll put it on". As Faith changes her outfit I watch Aaliyah struggle to build a fort out of pillows and big blankets which is also the best part about a sleepover. We let Aaliyah pick the movie this time and I just know its gonna be some creepy horror film. Anyways Faith outfit looked great on her, the tightness of the pants gave her perfect chubby figure the shape of an hourglass. I brushed her pretty kinky 4c hair up into a high ponytail giving her a effortless look. Faith never has to do too much... she's always been naturally pretty.

After many poses and angles I finally get a good picture of Faith. Another mission accomplished I think to myself. As Faith hesitates to post the picture and Aaliyah tumbles around in the blankets, I decided to hit Trin back up. He's texted me multiple times since I've been here but I've just been so busy dealing with my crazy friends that I didn't get a chance to respond to him.

"Hey boo, sorry  for the slow responses, I had a long day" I type in the imessage app.

Butterflies swirl through my stomach as I click the send button. I sit and wait for the three typing dots to pop up so that I won't miss his texts, It's pretty late  in the night and I don't wanna miss my chances. (Ding ) my phone goes as the blue message appears on my screen, I  almost break my thumb trying to respond as quick as possible to this man. The text says "Don't worry about it pretty, you can make it up to me soon." My face scrunches up in confusion as I wonder what he means by that. Before I could even type a response a facetime call pops up on my screen with the contact of "Trin" on top of it. I PANIC! I run my fingers through my hair while trying to grab  lip gloss from my bag and get in a good sitting position so I won't look weird on camera. "Heyyy Trin" I say in the cutest baby doll voice. Something about talking to a crush makes my voice automatically softer. We talk on the phone about how our day was and he's just been talking about so many places for us to go visit together, I've never had someone with his vibe before. Usually boys want to go through a long boring talking stage these days but Trin seemed more like the serious type. Just as I was about to get comfortable on one of Faiths couches In her dining area, Aaliyah runs in and shouts "Omg Pearl come onnnn! The movie is about to start any minute now". Not wanting to hang up on Trin just yet I shoo her away telling her to give me a second. She rolls her eyes and pulls at my arm.

With Trin being the gentlemen that he is, he chimes in and says "You seem busy, maybe we should talk in the morning". I Instantly feel bad about cutting our call short and tell him we can still text until whenever we decide to fall asleep. He agrees with pulling an all nighter with me and hangs up the phone. Annoyed at Aaliyah's cock blocking antics I pull my arm away from her grip and stomp back up the stairs. She chases me and shouts "You're the one that said this is a girls night so no boys and blah blah blah". I tone out her obnoxious yelling and go check on Faith. "Did you post the picture yet?" I ask her as I get comfortable underneath all the big cozy blankets and pillows. She gives me a disappointed look and says "yeah I posted them but It doesn't make me feel any better... It's hard being a city girl like you guys". I laugh at her while pulling her over next to me attempting to cheer up her mood.

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