8 - Nurse Daisy

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(Alex's POV)

It was now after lunch and I was barely able to move. I held unto the walks to keep myself up as I made my way to the nurse's office. Normally i wouldn't go there I would always pick myself up and forget about it, but today more of Daniel's jock friends joined in and right now I was limping and I'm pretty sure my nose is broken.

I know what your thinking "oh noo not the face!" Well yeah that's what I said too!!....in my head of course. After what felt like the most painful minutes of my life, I finally reached the giant blue door with NURSE'S OFFICE written on it in big bold letters.

I shoved the door open with a groan, and immediately a middle aged woman probably early 50s came to my side, she placed an arm around my waist to support me and gently helped me lay on the bed.

"woah, that's a lot of blood running from your nose sweetie I think it might be broken" she said examining my face.

"no shit" I retorted rolling my eyes. I know this is pretty mean but why state the obvious? Of course its broken I got jammed in the face repeatedly by 200 pound jocks.

She ignored my outburst and went into an adjoining room bringing back a wet cloth with her, she began to wipe the dry blood off my face.

"are you gonna report it?" She asked

"maybe not" I replied dryly. Believe me I have thought about ratting him out, but Daniel's parents literally own the school its obvious they wouldn't be punished, besides the beatings would only get worse once he finds out I snitched.

She sighed "yeah sweetie its broken I'm gonna need to snap it back in place" she said, pity dripping in her tone.

"is it gonna hurt?" I asked "I honestly don't think I can take anymore pain at this point".

"just a tad" she replied, measuring the amount of pain I'll feel with her pointer finger and her thumb. I gave her the go ahead and she positioned herself between my legs and lightly pushed my head back a bit.

"ill go at the count of three okay?" she explained ...."you count"

I started to figit around in my seat feeling nervous, but did as I was told.
"th-mother of pickles!!" I screamed
As I heard a snapping sound and an immense pain shoot right up to my skull.

"you said you'd go at three!!" I exclaimed feeling betrayed.

I'm sorry but I know you'd flinch when you got to three!" She said defending herself.

"you said it wouldn't hurt a lot" I scoffed hoping from the bed, ignoring the pain that shot through my body.

"okay, that was a straight up lie, I have no excuses" she chuckled lightly obviously finding my pain amusing.

"yeah yeah whatever " I said playfully rolling my eyes at her. I threw my bag over my shoulder and this time couldn't stop the groan that left my mouth.

In a nano second Daisy (that's the nurse's name)...was by my side looking at me quizzically, eyebrows raised. "you didn't mention having any other injuries" she gave me a blunt look.

"that's because I don't have any other injuries" I gave her a tight lipped smile. I don't know why I was refusing the help though, I guess its just not in my nature to be offered help and accept it.... yeah I blame it on that.

"oh yeah?" she challenged
"oh yeah" I retorted reaching for the door handle, but before I could I felt a hand lightly brush on my abdomen and even that little touch was enough to cause a hiss to escape my lips and from the corner of my eye I see Daisy smirk in victory.

"thought you didn't have any more injuries tough guy?" she said leading me back to the bed. I was in too much pain to protest so I let her lead the way. Once I was safely on the bed she reached over to a silver tray and took an ointment that I'm guessing is for bruises.

"lie down, and lift your shirt" she instructed.

I did as I was told while she removed the cap on the ointment. She looked down at my exposed abdomen and let out a hiss.... "they got you real good these are definitely gonna last a few weeks".

"Gee thanks" I scoffed

After applying the ointment she wrapped me in tons of bandages. I could barely move a muscle! Okay maybe that's an exaggeration but that's what it felt like!!
I slowly came off the chair this time and turned to her, school bag in hand. "thank you Daisy" I said sincerely if it wasn't for her I'd be screwed.

"anytime kid" she laughed ruffling my hair. I gave her a smile and opened the door, no one stopping me this time.

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