9 - Well you did run into me...

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(Hailey's POV)

"Where the fuck is that kid" I growl through greeted teeth.

I have been looking for that rag doll my entire free period that I have after lunch and the twerp is nowhere to be seen. I probably look like a mad woma-

"bang!!" that ladies and gentlemen was the sound of my body colliding with a door.

"ouch what the fuck!!!" I screamed as I fell on the floor

"oh my god did it hit you!?" I hear someone say, rushing to my side.

"oh what? No sorry I was screaming at something else " i say smiling sweetly and what a coincidence, it's the person I've been searching for all this time.

"oh than- "

"of course it hit me you fucking twit how can a nerd be so fucking dumb, now shut up and help me up!!" I screamed I am literally fuming right now!

"of course Miss Lena" and he grabbed my outstretched hand and pulled me up.

"where the hell were you Alexander!!??" I screamed at him.

"I have been roaming these halls like a mad woman, and you" I put a finger in his face,"just hadddd to thrash me with a door didn't you!!?" I hollered.

To say he looked bewildered would be an understatement the kid looked like he just murdered someone on accident.

"you were looking for me?? Miss Lena?" he breathed out softly unable to believe what I was saying.

"well duhhh we kinda sorta have a project thats due next week...remember? Well of course you remember you're a nerd" I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"oh umn yeah I was hoping I'd run into you so we could discuss it." he replied nervously scratching his neck and fixing his glasses.

"well you did run into me" I retorted while fixing my skirt that had been fumbled up when i had fell.
I look up to see him blushing, embarrassed at his choice of words.

"yeah I'm um sorry about that" he admitted shuffling around on his feet.

"im exhausted so I won't deal with you now, for now let's just go to my house to discuss the project " I told him, walking off.

"right now? We're gonna skip?" he asked running up to me, I chuckled at the look on his face, he seemed greatly mortified at the idea of skipping school.

"your cute" I replied, and his innocence really is cute never have I ever met someone like him.


(Alex's POV)

I'm cute??? I'm cute??? Was the only thing in my head the entire ride to Hailey's house. I've never been there but you hear how big it is on a Monday when pupils start chatting about the party she held over the weekend.

Yeah, she's a total party animal, if its not her house its Daniels and sometimes other one of his jock friends. I on the other hand have never been to a party, I've always wanted to try it at least once...but you need friends to go to a party, and that's one thing I don't have.

"penny for your thoughts?"

I snap out of it to see that we were parked in a huge driveway, and Hailey was there staring at me quizzically.

"oh I didn't realized we had reached" I said while stepping out the vehicle.

She rolled her eyes and walked ahead of me toward the front door.

Right at that moment a chubby old man ran up to us looking at us weirdly, probably wondering why Hailey was home so early but dare not voice his thoughts did he!

He mumbled a "good evening miss Lena" and open the door for her.

She hummed in response, and stepped into the house with me following behind her.

"holy cows" I breathed out while looking around Hailey's house. Wait did I just say house? This is no house this is a mansion!!! My entire house can fit into this about 200 times!!

Hailey smirked from beside me "close your mouth Alex, wouldn't wanna catch flies" she plopped herself down on the sofa taking off her heels.

I just stand there feeling awkward, its Hailey Lena's house for Christ sake!!
"well are you gonna sit?" she asked as she started to remove her makeup with a wipe that she had taken out somewhere in between my awkward moment.

"tha- thank you " I mumbled pathetically and sat on the other half of the L shaped sofa.

She finished removing all her makeup, and repositioned herself so that now her legs were stretched out on the sofa and her head was on the head rest.

She let out a breath, closed her eyes and started massaging her temples. Okay at this point I wanted to ask what the hell is going on! But Instead I use this time to look at her, and I mean really look at her.

Her legs were cleanly shaven and long despite her 5'3 height don't ask how I know her height!. Her toes and nails were perfectly polished, her full pink lips slightly parted.

Her face was flawless of any blemishes or spots and I wanted to ask why she wore so much makeup... She's beautiful every body knows it, especially the boys at school as they try to get with her 24/7, anyone that says she's ugly is lying. Horribly.

"done staring?" I jump a bit and quickly look away, can't believe I got caught!! Stupid Alex, I mentally scolded myself.

The rest of the evening consisted of us figuring out what we would need for the project and when I would come over so that she could watch me do it, you didn't think she was gonna help did you?

*comment for me lovlies!! Comment comment comment!!*

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