12 - London

135 1 3

(Alex's POV)

I rush home and quietly open the front door, hoping my father was asleep. I tip toe inside and turn on the lights.

"were were you?" I mentally curse as I slowly look up to see my father at the top of the stairs.

"I ....um- I...."

"stop stuttering boy!!" my father hollered, he himself slurring over his words a bit, indicating that he's drunk.

"i was at a friend's sir, we were doing an assignment" I say, clearly this time.

He motions for me to come to him, to be honest, being closer to him is the last thing I want, but its not like I have a say in the matter so.....I make my way up to him.

Once I reached the top of the stairs he comes even closer to me, so close our noses were almost touching and I could smell his breath that stank with alcohol.

I screw my nose up at the stench and next thing you know, I'm gasping for air. He's choking me what the hell!!! He's never laid a hand on me before! I mean sure he says harsh stuff all the time but this has never happened before!

"da- dad, wha...let me go! " I rasp out barely able to breath.

"you come home so late at night and expect it to be all butterflies and rainbows?" he shouted in my face.

"who do you expect to do the chores if your not here!!! Ehh boy?!!" he asks making his grip on my neck even stronger.

I ignore his question and focus on trying to loosen his grip.

"ohh so you want me to let go huh?" he asked smirking evilly. "fine, I'll let go" he lifts me up from the floor by my neck so that I was now hovering above the steps.

He wouldn't, no he would never!!

He releases his grip from around my neck and I come crashing down the staircase, hitting everything important on the way.

My head meets the floor with a thud. I quickly try to stand but is forced back down by my Father's heavy boot meeting my stomach.

"aarrrgghhh" I groan rolling around in pain.

"that's for coming home late you little shit!" and with that he steps over my body and goes to his room, slamming the door shut.

I lay there for a couple minutes unable to move due to the intensity of the pain I was feeling all over my body.

When I was finally able to stand, I slowly make my way to my room and crawl unto my mattress.

"mom I wish you were here, i need you so much" I say into the darkness. I was on the verge of tears but I quickly blink them away...men don't cry.

I turn onto my side, ignoring the pain that shot through my body and fall into an uncomfortable sleep.


I woke up to the sun shining brightly through my old dirty window and slowly drag myself out of bed. I cross the hall to the bathroom and take a quick shower, after I was done I get dressed into the last pair of clean clothes I have and make a mental note to do laundry later while dad is out. When I was ready i head downstairs.

I check the kitchen to see if by any chance there was something I could eat. It seems luck was on my side for once cause I found two eggs in the last cupboard. I fry one and eat quickly, wanting to leave before dad wakes up. when i was finished I get up and wash my plate in the sink and head out.

Its now lunch time and I was making my way to the cafeteria when I suddenly bumped into a hard wall, or at least that's what it felt like.

"well look who it is...Garner long time no see" I would recognize that voice any where.

"not long enough" you see...its time like these that I hate the fact that I can talk.

"someone's a bit sassy today" Daniels said slamming me up into the locker "gotta fix that".

My already injured head come in contact with the cold metal and I hiss in pain. Students who were on their way to lunch stop to watch, some with amused smirks on their faces others with looks of pity.

I feel Daniel's fist meet my stomach in a strong punch and I fall to the floor. My glasses falling off my face in the process. I hear a loud crunch beside my ear but ignore it, Daniels continuous kicks to my sides was more important.



"Next time"


"you won't "


"Talk back punk!"


And with another very brutal stomp in the face he fixes his bag on his shoulders and he and his jock friends exit the hallway.

The crowd that had gathered now dispersed as the show was over I suppose.

I close my eyes and stay rooted to the ground not bothering to move. Not like I could if I tried....

"need some help down there?" I hear a voice say.

"nah just chilling" I swear people get stupider everyday.

"fine, I'll leave you to it then" the person replies and I hear soft footsteps start going in the opposite direction.

Was it not obvious I was being sarcastic??

"actually I uh... do need your help" I say loud enough for the person to hear.

After a few seconds I feel an arm wrap around my waist and another around my torso, slowly pulling me up from the ground. Once I was up I lent against the lockers for support and try to identity the stranger as best as I could without my glasses.

It was a girl, she had brown hair and it was up in a messy bun at the top of her head. She had full pink lips and brown eyes, she was wearing a sweat suit with one of those Jordan sneakers.

When i was done looking her over i assumed she was now creeped out and decide to actually speak "thanks for your help umm?"

"London" she finishes

"London, I'm Alex " I say extending my hand out to her.

"nice to meet yah, even under the circumstances" she replied shaking my hand.

"yeah these are pretty bad circumstances" I chuckle trying to keep the mood light. "by the way is my glasses anywhere down there? " I ask, I really need them to see properly.

"if its the ones I saw Daniels step on you are so screwed "

"just great!" I say what the hell do I do now?

"lets just get you to the nurse you look like shit" London said sighing. She repositioned her arms around my body and we were off.

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