39 - Spacing out

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"I don't feel so good" Hailey whispers in my ear.

We were in our last class for the day, literature.

"Babe shhh, I'm tryna get these notes" I say

"Alexxxx I really don't feel good" Hailey whines

I sigh heavily and drop my pen on my desk, looking over at her.

"I don't believe you, you always try to distract me during class" I whisper yell.

"Alexander I'm serious, my tummy hurts really bad!" she pouts, rubbing her stomach.

I narrow my eyes at her, eyeing her to see if she was telling the truth. To be honest she does look a little flustered and uncomfortable.

"Sir can we be excused to go to the nurse, Hailey isn't feeling very well" I politely ask.

"Yes, of course Alexander" he says giving me a small smile.

I mumble a thank you and grab my bag as well as Hailey's and exit the classroom with Hailey in tow.

"Are you good enough to walk?" I ask concerned, she was walking really slowly.

"yea I guess, I just wanna go home to lay down" She says giving me puppy dog eyes as I don't really like skipping school, but I'd do anything to make sure she's alright.

"Of course, anything you want" I reply, giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek.

We leave school grounds through the back exit, for some reason its always open.

I fetch Hailey's keys from her bag and press the unlock icon and immediately the car beeped.

We walk over to it and I pack our bags in the back seat.

"You good enough to drive?" I ask.

"Actually, I don't think I am, you're gonna have to" Hailey replies.

Did I mention that I can drive now? Well yea I can, Hailey had been giving me driving lessons and when I felt confident enough I took a test and I passed and now I have my drivers license so yeah...

"No problem kitten, let me get the door for you"

I run and slide over the hood of the car smoothly, landing swiftly on my feet on the other side, I opened the door for Hailey while throwing her a sly wink.

"Just get in the car Garner" She playfully rolls her eyes at me. I sulk and go back over to the driver's side, walking this time.

"You could've at least clapped you know" I complain as I start the car.

She leans over and captures my mouth on hers, running her tongue over my lips asking for entrance which I obviously gave. The kiss was slow and gentle, the kind that takes your breath away. Our tongues mingled with each other until we were running out of breath slowly Hailey pulled away.

"Is that congratulation enough?" Hailey asks smirking.

"I- I hate you" I mumble. But I knew the red on my cheeks could put tomatoes to shame.

"That's fine, but I'm really craving some sweets can we stop at the store?"

"Yeah, whatever you want" I say smiling fondly at her.

Soon enough we've reached the grocery store and we're currently walking down the candy isle.

"Haileyyy the cart is getting heavyyy" I whine.

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