32 - The Offer

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(Alex's POV)

We pulled into the driveway and exit the car walking to the front door, Jase and my dad in tow. The butler runs to open the door as usual greeting all four of us as we walk pass him.

"This is where you live!?" my dad asks astonished looking around.

Jase chuckles lightly "yes this is where we live, just place the bags anywhere the guest bathroom is upstairs third door on the left, wash up, dinner will be ready in five"

"Well alrighty then" my father exclaims excitedly rubbing his hands together. I know he's definitely ready to eat. "I'll be right back bud" he says going upstairs.

"So that's your Dad huh.." Hailey questions pulling me into the living room. She sits on the sofa and I sit after her placing my head in her lap, her fingers running through my hair.

"Yeah, David Garner" I sigh closing my eyes.

"What did my father say to you guys? As far as I know he went in there without a plan"

I chuckle, that does sound like Jase.

"As soon as I saw him coming towards me and my dad I immediately knew you had everything to do with it since you never listen to me!" I scold opening my eyes to glare at her which she just smiles innocently to.

"I introduced him to my father and asked what he was doing here. He told me you called and told him about my 'situation' and that he was sorry to hear about it. He asked how long we had been staying there and if we had eaten since we got evicted. Which lead to him inviting us to dinner." I finish my story.

"Dinner?!" Hailey screeches startling me making me sit up.

"uh yea...wasn't that what you told him to do?" I ask curiously.

She stared blankly at me, soon enough she came back to "y-yea...let me just go see if dinner's almost done" She kisses my cheek lightly before going off.

Okay then?
Jase's (Mr Lena) POV

I have something more planned.

(Alex's POV)

"Dad? You still in there?" I knock softly on the bathroom door.

The door opens and my father comes out looking a bit better than before.

"yeah I just wanted to make myself look a bit presentable." He explains smoothing down his jet black hair.

"They don't care about that stuff, you should've seen me the first time I came here!" I exclaim laughing

"So the pretty blond is the one spoiling you?" he teases leaning against the wall.

I roll my eyes at him "She's my girlfriend Father" I correct him

He raises his hands in surrender "My bad!" he chuckles.

"yeah yeah let's go downstairs dinner is probably ready."

He nods in agreement and we both head downstairs.

"I haven't ate this much in years! Thank you Jase!" my father says looking toward Jase who was sitting at the head of the small dinning table. It was just us so there was no need to use the big one.

"Yea Jase it really means alot" I chip in placing my fork on my empty plate.

"If this means a lot wait until I tell you what else I've arranged."

"Sorry but I don't think I've got room for desert" I groan rubbing my stomach.

"You both will be staying with us" Jase drops the bomb.

REVERSEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora