23 - The Game

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(Hailey's POV)

If someone told me a month ago that I would be crushing on the biggest nerd in the school I probably would've kneed them in the shin. Now that its actually happening I have no idea how to feel about it. One things for sure though this kid got me doing shit I've never ever everrrr done with anybody else. Pouting Hailey! Pouting! I face palm myself as I remember all the cringy shit I did to try to convince Alex to come to the game.

Speaking of the game, I'd made sure all the cheerleaders were up to date with the moves and that they had perfected them, no way I was gonna be made a fool in front of Alex. Well I've never been made a fool before, my squad was always up to speed, its just that knowing that my crush was gonna be there watching us I couldn't afford a slip up I wanted to..... impress him. I feel blush heat my checks as the realization dawns.

"God you are so whipped" a voice says. I look up, startled as my eyes rest upon Lila who had a knowing smirk on her face.

"what are you talking about?" I try to act casual as I retrieve my book.

All of a sudden the locker door slams shut almost smashing my fingers. "hey what the fuck!"

"oh come on Hails, you were watching the kid struggle with his locker for a whole 3 minutes and your face is as red as a tomato" she stated

"omg is it that obvious" I groan placing my forehead on my locker.

Lila chuckles. "You were trying to hide it? Oh hun if there were more people in the hallway your secret would've already been on the schools shade room"

"Asher is not gonna be happy about this... " she continues, as we start to walk to class.

"No shit" I snort. Lila and I have gotten closer over the past few weeks, we've seen each other a lot due to how much we have been practicing, and I actually consider her a close friend now.

"Why do you even like him anyways? I didn't pin you as the type to like scrawny little kids"

"God I don't even know, he's just so innocent and adorable " I coo

Lila laughs at this "yeah he is pretty cute" she agrees. "does he know?"

"pfft of course he dosent know, for a nerd the kids pretty dumb"

"Well its not entirely his fault, who would guess that Hailey Lena has feelings for them, even Asher knows he's just a fuck toy" Lila states and she's actually right too, I guess I'm gonna have to drop a few hints here and there.

"whatever man let's just go in" I say as we had stopped at the classroom doorway somewhere during our conversation. She nods and pushes open the door.

"Miss Lena, Miss Blanks can you please explain why you're late?" Miss Ridge asks.

"No, we actually can't it just happened" Lila replies. A few kids snicker at this and I just smirk as me and Lila grab a seat over where the rest of the pose where.

"hey guys" I greet them and they greet me back. "since tomorrows the game we won't be having practice this evening, we've been going pretty hard core lately I think we've got it" I tell them.

"thanks cap" I nod and flop back into my seat, thinking of a certain brunette.

"woah slow down sweetie" my dad chuckles as I accidentally ran into him.

"heh, sorry I just gotta get to school before the game starts" I explain as I grab my keys off the hook near the door.

Dad paused momentarily, looking shocked, did I say something wrong?

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