The Pain Games

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You joined the other Imps gathering in front of the stage where you watched an Imp wearing a top hat named Wacky Wally Wackford giving an announcement.

"Welcome, I say-a, welcome-a... all to Wrath-a Ring's-a annual-a Harvest-a Moon-a... a-Festival!" said Wally Wackford, "To kick things up, we have the great prince Stolas-a, here to usher in this here Pain Games!"

Prince Stolas stood up from his seat and took the microphone from Wally Wackford.

The Prince chuckled, "How kind, Wackford. Greetings, tiny Wrath Ring Imps. I hereby welcome you all to another year of celebrating the spoils of your labor that continue to feed the citizens of Hell!"

During the Prince's speech, you looked around to see Imps glaring at the Prince with disdain. You even heard some of them booing at him.

You quietly muttered to yourself, "No wonder no one likes Prince Stolas just because he's demon royalty."

"I'm happy to kick off the start of these games that will challenge the toughest imps to show their skill in dominance. Good luck to you all! Especially that sexy little one there!" The owl demon Prince then waved, "Yoo-hoo, Blitzy!"

You raised your brow in confusion when you heard the Prince greeting at this Blitzy.

"Blitzy?" you then followed his line of sight and found the Imp named Blitzy standing besides Striker. "Blitzy" was disgusted after Prince Stolas waved at him and cursed himself. "That's him? Wait..."

You began to realize as you stared back at Prince Stolas himself.

"Doesn't the Prince have a wife?"

While you're curious about Stolas's affair with "Blitzy", you noticed the Imps heading to the starting line. You quickly followed them as well.

You tied your (h/c) (h/l) hair up into a ponytail, so it won't get in your way during the games.

As you were standing on the starting line, you then noticed Striker in front of you. As if he sensed you behind him, he turned his head at you and sent you his signature smirk, much to your dismay.

Irritated, you gave Striker a middle finger in return. The snake-eyed Imp dismissed your comeback and looked away from you.

Then the gun went off, signaling the start of the game. You ran as fast as you could. The first ones running were Striker and Blitzy. The first challenge was the obstacle course.

Striker was the first one climbing over the wooden ramp structure. But just when he was about go over it, Blitzy suddenly leapt and went ahead of him. Striker got onto his feet on the obstacle and jumped off.

Finally, you then climbed over the obstacle and jumped off. While you got over, you looked down to find a poor unfortunate Imp get chewed off by a six-eyed demon shark. You felt sorry for that Imp who came before you. You were considering helping him from getting torn into pieces by the demon shark but you couldn't let Striker win. You silently apologized to the victim and went ahead.

"Oh, I'm sure he'll be fine." you stated as you continued to run and catch up with the two first runners which were Striker and Blitzy.

The obstacle course challenge had ended and you went to the next challenge where you were supposed to hogtie your opponent. But you hadn't get a chance to hogtie one.


Well, your opponent was a nerdy Imp which you're supposed to hogtie him. And just when you were about to pounce on him, he suddenly fainted for no reason.

You threw the rope to the ground and walked away in dismay.

It might probably because he just stared at your revealing outfit along with your sex appeal before he passed out.

StrikerxFallen Angel!Reader: A Cursed BlessingWhere stories live. Discover now