Catching a Fallen Angel (Bonus)

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A/N: Thought I might do a little bonus chapter, aka Caught in His Arms 1.5. This is also Striker's POV where he's invited to dinner at the Lahash Manor hosted by Divinos and takes places in the previous chapter before finding the Fallen Angel Reader-chan at the main foyer stairway.


Striker followed Valor, a confidant to Divinos of the Lahash Family.

Valor glanced back at Striker and said, "Do you have any questions? We still have time. Dinner starts around 6."

"How long do you work for him?" he asked.

"I've been working for Divinos ever since I was a teenager," answered Valor. "He and my father were very close. After my father passed away, Divinos was kindly enough to take me and my younger sister under his wing."

Striker didn't make a comment about Divinos. To him, it was kinda strange for a fallen angel taking sympathy towards imps despite their status in Hell's society.

Valor opened the door to the living room, revealing the three fallen angels.

The first was sitting on his chair reading his book with his reading glasses. The second one was taking a selfie on his phone while the third was playing a game app in his phone. The second fallen angel noticed Valor with Striker.

"Oh! Valli, didn't see you here!" The second fallen angel named Andri first noticed after he took a selfie.

The third one stopped playing his phone and noticed as well. The first one took a glance but he seemed unamused at the fact that they had a guest here at the manor as he continued to read his book.

Valor then introduced, "These three fallen angels are Divinos' sons: Andre, Andri, and Ander."

Ander, the youngest brother of the three, then noticed with a surprised gasp. He stood up from his seat and quickly walked towards the cowboy hat wearing imp.

"I can't believe it! I didn't know we got Striker, one of the winners at the Pain Games, as our very guest tonight!!!" he exclaimed.

His eyes were sparkled with amazement at Striker's presence.

"So, tell me," Ander suddenly began to start sending Striker random questions, "Where did you get that gold tooth? Can your eyes hypnotize anyone?"

Then Striker's tail suddenly gave a hissing sound.

"Whoa, did your tail just hiss at me?" Ander became amazed by Striker's tail until he felt his ear being pulled, wincing in pain. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!"

Ander found Andre giving him an irritated look on his face while his ear being pulled by his eldest brother.

"I cannot fathom why you would end up badgering someone with inane questions," said Andre

"Ow, I was just curious. What's wrong with being curious?" replied Ander.

"I would rather not to confabulate with a lowborn Imp." Andre sent Striker an unamused yet stoic look on his face.

Andre then dragged Ander away from Striker.

"Hey. Ow! Where are you taking me?" asked Ander.

"Somewhere I can get some peace and quiet without you being immature in front of this... "guest"." Andre answered.

Andri watched his poor younger brother being dragged away by his older brother as they both left the room. The middle brother turned to Striker.

"Don't mind Ander. He's just excited when it comes to meeting new people," Andri explained.

"You don't say..." replied the Imp.

Striker and Valor watched Andri leaving the room as he went to rejoin his two brothers.

"How did he know that I was one of the winners from the Pain Games?" he asked.

"To tell you the truth, the triplets actually attended the Harvest Moon Festival. I was told that Ander wanted to learn about the traditions of the Harvest Moon Festival especially seeing the actual harvest moon itself." explained Valor.

Valor and Striker left the living room. They both headed to the courtyard where they found some of the Imp servants setting up the table.

"Lord Divinos should be finishing his important matters as soon as possible," Valor explained as he checked the time from his watch. "Feel free to look around the manor until then."

Striker decided to take Valor's advice as he roamed around the hallway of the manor.

As he arrived at the main stairway, he suddenly heard footsteps. Striker stopped and noticed someone walking up the stairs.

He then hid himself so someone didn't notice him. Striker then found a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair tied in a high ponytail wearing a dark lacy dress standing on the top of the stairway.

His tail silenlty slithered as he watched the girl staring down at the steps.

"You heard Vick, (Y/n). Do it for the Hellberry Sunset. Even if it means that I have to attend dinner against my will..."

Striker went astonished as he found that the girl he first saw was actually you wearing that elegant dress.

"Angelface? Now what's she doing here wearin' that pretty dress?" he wondered as he watched you walking down the steps but you ended up standing there almost at the end of the stairs.

"I can't believe I ended up staying here for a few weeks."

Striker eavesdropped your self-conversation.

"Here I was, trying to find out about his connection with that self-arrogant Joe Blake of that fucking cowboy hat wearing hitman by coming here. But what do I get? Spending some reluctant time with my..."

But all of the reason, you didn't finish what you were saying. Striker raised his brow as he found out what you were doing here.

You sighed, "To think that Striker got his hands on those angelic weapons from him..."

You slapped your cheeks and held your head up high.

"I'll ask him about that after that stupid dinner..." But you accidentally tripped yourself with a yelp.

Striker's quick reflexes kicked in as he quickly caught you just in time before you hurt yourself.

"You okay, little angel?" he asked.

He watched you look up. Your became mortified to find him holding you in his arms. Striker just sent you a dark smirk.

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