Chapter One - What's in the Videos?

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We entered the large gymnasium of the Advanced Nurturing High School. Four rows of chairs had been set out, one for each class. The irregularity in their numbers made me think briefly back to the Class Vote. Was there any way that my actions in that or any of the other special exams could have been recorded on video? No. I was sure that wasn't the case. Unless...

"Everybody listen! Classes will be seated from bottom to top starting from the left; take your seats quickly!"

Mashima, the teacher for Class A, raised his voice above the gathered crowd's constant noise. I scanned the room for Kei, trying to catch her gaze as she examined the situation herself. When I finally did, I signalled for her to find a way to sit beside me. A worried look appeared on her face but she seemingly understood and nodded in confirmation.

Before I could choose where to sit, Horikita appeared beside me.

"Do you have any input on this?" she asked me. She likely wanted to judge if I thought the content could be about me and my actions in support of Class D.

"Not particularly," I responded

Of course, it was entirely possible that this whole situation was merely a charade to entrap me. If that was the case then nothing I said to Horikita would be of any use.

"Ayanokoji-Kun, if your involvement in our classes' problems were to surface, what would you do?"

It seems my response didn't dissuade her from probing. If my involvement were to surface, eh? I'd need time to think about that.

"There is really nothing I could do." I shrugged, "Although if you are thinking that it would force me to help more directly then I'd stop that thought process now."

It was possible this situation had given her ideas on how to get more out of me.

"No, I know better than that by now." she sighed deeply, " the case that it comes up...I want you to know that you can rely on me to help."

That was unexpected. Although the words were hard for her to get out, they seemed sincere. She may not be able to do a lot directly but her help may be able to stabilize the class's emotion.

"That's good to know, if I need you then I'll let you know." I nodded and she returned the gesture.

I needed to find a seat quickly otherwise Kei would struggle to get beside me. Leaving Horikita to deal with the classes organisation I sat down near the back of Class D's row. A few moments later Kei joined me.

"Are we in trouble?" Kei said as soon as her body hit the chair.

"I'm not sure, I need more information before I can make a call on that." I responded truthfully, "But in any case, you don't need to worry, anything significant that might be revealed will fall on me, not you."

Kei furrowed her eyebrows and pouted at me.

"You know that's wrong, Kiyotaka," she complained, "Even if it's only you getting exposed that will still affect me a lot, you know."

I couldn't see her logic.

"I doubt they would go as far as to reveal the bullying you sustained," I said, "And even if our relationship were revealed, you have enough trust built up to handle it easily."

This time, my logic seemed to go over her head.

"Geez, Kiyotaka," she struggled to keep her voice down, "Stop it with the dense act, we are, like, together and I obviously wouldn't want my boyfriend in trouble."

Ah, so it was like that. I couldn't blame her for the 'dense' remark.

"Sorry Kei," I said softly, "Maybe this whole situation has my thinking screwed up."

Making sure nobody was paying attention, I reached out and placed my hand on her leg. Her whole body twitched as I did.

"I'll make sure that nothing happens," I said, "To either of us."

She was blushing a lot but there was a faint smile on her face. Shaking her head, she swiftly knocked my hand off her leg.

"Y-you idiot," she whispered, her blush still clearly visible. "You better make sure, promise?"

I nodded and turned to the front. In my peripheral vision, I could still see her trying to hide that faint smile.

Everyone had almost taken their seats. I glanced over at the other classes. Ichinose's Class C and Sakayanagi's Class A had all taken their seats in an orderly fashion, as would be expected. Classes B and D weren't too far behind.

Once everyone was seated, Mashima began to speak.

"I'm well aware that this is highly irregular but you need to keep the composure befitting of our school." he warned, "As you have each been told by your respective homeroom teachers, we have a series of videos to show you."

He pointed at a massive screen that had been set up in front of the rows of chairs. It was comparable in size to those at the movie theatre in Keyaki Mall.

"In a few moments, I will begin the first video. None of the staff present at this school knows its content either."

His comments were similar to Chabashiras. However, he mentioned that it was not just the teachers in the dark but every staff member. Did that include Tsukishiro?

"If at any point, you feel that you need to leave the main room and watch from one of the many private rooms provided, simply leave out of the door you came in and one of the staff members will take you where you need to go," he said, "And with that out of the way, I will begin the first video."

The crowd of students was almost silent. A few hushed voices could be heard from various sections of the audience. There was eerie suspense spread throughout the student body as they waited to discover exactly what they were in for.


A single word appeared on the display. I saw a few students show visible confusion.

I imagine all of you are wondering what exactly these videos of mine will contain.

This was met with sounds of agreement.

Some of you may have even figured out a little about what will be shown to you today. Some of you may be a little anxious right about now.

This time, the wave of unease that had befallen Class D, now spread through the entire school year.

The majority of you need not worry. Some of you should.

What you are about to see will likely cause some commotion so please bear that in mind and try your best to remain calm.

You are about to see into the minds of your fellow students.

A few laughed at this statement. See into the minds of your fellow students? I must admit that it sounded like a poor carnival act.

There has been a lot going on behind the scenes at your school.

All of that will be revealed.

It was my turn to feel anxious. The likelihood that this showcase was centred around me grew exponentially.

But let's not get too hasty.

I'd like to do this slowly.

After all, this is going to be fun.

Maybe for some of us. I did not see myself being included in that group.

Let's begin...shall we?

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