Chapter 2.5 - Ayanokoji meets Horikita

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As I got off the bus, I saw a gate formed from the natural rock waiting just ahead. All the young boys and girls dressed in school uniforms were passing through this gate.

"Eh, we aren't going to be watching our entire year from Ayanokoji's view are we!?" Ike asked incredulously.

"It is interesting..." Kanzaki mused.

The Japanese government had created the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School with the express purpose of developing future leaders. This would be my school from now on.

Okay, stop for a moment. Take a deep breath. All right, here we go!


The instant I tried to take my first courageous step, someone called out to me. It was the girl who'd sat next to me on the bus.

"I have to admit, I also thought that you two had previously known each other," Yosuke said, "But you say that your first interaction was on the bus ride to this school?"

"Yes, although we ended up speaking a lot more than I'd intended, this was the first time that we had spoken to one another," Horikita responded.

"You were looking at me. Why?" she asked.

She narrowed her eyes while we spoke.

"Sorry. I guess I was just interested, is all. I mean, you didn't think about giving up your seat to the old woman, did you?"

"That's right. I didn't consider giving it up. Is there something wrong with that?"

A couple of students from Class D looked like they were about to speak but, interestingly, they decided to keep their thoughts to themselves. They had come to see Horikita as a worthy leader, maybe that's what kept them from voicing their concerns.

"Fufu, I thought you would have more respect for the elderly, Horikita-san." It was Horikita's turn to be poked and prodded by Sakayanagi's taunts.

"It's not that I don't have respect for the elderly, it's just at that moment, I didn't see a point in giving up my seat," Horikita didn't even look in Sakayagi's direction, "My reasons are none of your concern."

"I see,"

I thought that was the end of it but a crooked smile appeared on Sakayagi's face.

"What if it was me who was in need of a seat, Horikita-san?" Sakayagi asked, "Would you permit a cripple to take your seat?"

Everyone looked awkward at Sakayanagi's blatant self-deprecation. Even Horikita squirmed as she thought up a response.

"What kind of inane question is that?" Horikita retorted.

"I simply wish to see where I stack up against the elderly in your view, Horikita-san."

Horikita sighed, "If there were no other contributing factors then, yes, I would swap my seat with you."

"Fufu, a well-constructed answer," Sakayanagi giggled, "As expected of you, Horikita-san."

"Hey, what about me, Suzune?" Ryuen chimed in, "Would you swap seats to save my weary bones?"

"Like hell." Horikita didn't hesitate.

Ryuen continued laughing as the video continued.

"Oh, no, not at all. I didn't intend to give up my seat, either. In fact, I firmly abide by the philosophy of letting sleeping dogs lie. I dislike trouble."

"You dislike trouble? Then I don't think you and I are anything alike. I didn't give up my seat because I thought it would be pointless. That's all."

"But doesn't that seem worse than just not liking trouble?"

"Perhaps. I'm simply acting according to my own beliefs. That's different from someone who just dislikes trouble, like you. I don't want to spend any time around people like you."

"I feel the same way," I muttered.

"Huh, I thought you guys were pretty good friends at the start of the year?" Kei frowned. She already knew the nature of mine and Horikita's relationship, she just needed to keep up appearances.

"Yeah, you both rarely spoke to anyone other than each other." Matsushita followed up.

"That's simply because we sat next to each other," Horikita answered, "But my relationship with Ayanokoji-kun isn't as strained now, as it was back then."

"That's good!" Kushida commented, "You always seemed like really good friends."

I had only wanted to share my opinion, but I wasn't too keen on going back and forth with her like this. We both sighed and proceeded to walk in the same direction.

"It is hard to believe that was their first encounter with each other, even though I always saw them as close," Ichinose said, her mild surprise clearly visible.

"Relationships can change based on various factors," Kanzaki suggested, "I'd say that their environment likely had an effect."

"That's true, it's tough to have personal problems with your classmates in this school." Ichinose agreed.

"Excuse me, can you not discuss my personal relationships as though I wasn't here." Horikita sighed.

Ichinose immediately brought both her hands up to her mouth and turned a light shade of red.

"I'm so sorry Horikita-san!" Ichinose bowed, "I wasn't thinking."

"I apologise too." Kanzaki also bowed, but not nearly as enthusiastically.

Horikita nodded at them.

Well, now you know how those two met. What are your thoughts?

Actually, hold them in a little longer, I have another video to show before I let you discuss it.

(A/N - It's typical that as soon as I settle on a rough schedule for these chapters, I immediately have to disregard it. It's been about a week since I updated this so sorry for the wait. I ended up working a lot more than I had expected and only had enough time to briefly relax and sleep at home.

But I'm free now *fingers crossed* and I can actually abide by my own schedule. I think I'm going to update this again today to make up for missing a week.

If I ever have to forgo an update, I'll make a temporary update to just inform anyone interested. I would have done that this time but it didn't feel right that my first post back would have nothing to do with the actual fanfic.

Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.)

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