Bonus Chapter - The Other Grades

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(A/N - Just making sure one last time that people know there will be spoilers for the latest volumes of the Light Novel so read them first if you want to avoid spoilers from this point on

Also, I'm categorising this as a Bonus Chapter but it actually advances the plot so I have no idea what a Bonus Chapter is anymore but oh well, have fun)

I'd spent my free period yesterday resting in my room. Something told me that I'd be needing plenty of energy to get through the next two weeks. With Tsukishiro's absence, I'd thought I would have less to worry about but apparently, that wasn't to be. Nagumo's persistence, Amasawa's unpredictability and the possibility of more White Room students all stood at the forefront of my problems. However, I felt like I was looking forward to this new semester even with my issues seeming to pile up.

I was currently walking to the location where we would be watching the next set of videos. Last night, I'd received an alert that the venue had been changed to one of the many outbuildings that were located within the school's compound. I had felt the need to confirm others had received this same alert and this wasn't some sort of trap laid out for me but it had turned out to be paranoia on my part. It seems the venue had truly been changed.

There had been no reason given for the change but that had come to be expected throughout this entire situation. A running theme had been created that there appeared to be no reason for anything that was happening. I'm sure after sleeping on it, even more students were left utterly confused about the whole thing.

Approaching the building, I began to see more and more students walking in the same direction and the question as to why the venue had been changed was answered in an instant. Not just the second-year students but also first and third-year students were entering the building. The extra audience members meant that the gymnasium would have been way past maximum capacity had we all crammed in. I guess I had more witnesses to the 'great revelation' that was my existence.

Finally, I made it into the building and found a place to sit. The setup was basically the same, Sections separated grades and rows separated classes within those grades. It was the first time that I'd seen every student in one place before. I wondered if this broke any health and safety laws. Just as I thought that I was reminded of the numerous dangerous situations the school had placed us in with minimal safety measures installed. We were probably long past that point.

Eventually, the hall filled up and my ears were berated by a cacophony of different voices. Really, the staff should have thought of this problem and done something to prevent it in advance. Suddenly, another sound pierced my ears at a volume level above that of even the 400-odd students in the hall. That sound was someone hitting a microphone against its stand.

"Good morning, everyone!" Chabashira started, "If you could all quiet down, that would make this process a lot quicker and less painful,"

Standing up front with a microphone in her hand made Chabashira look like she was a future rockstar. Maybe she had another future ahead of her if she ever dropped her hangups at this school.

"As you can see, we have been told to bring together all grades to watch the videos from this point on. I'm aware that it is highly irregular that all students at the school are present in one place but I want you all to act properly to ensure there are no issues."

Chabashira stopped for a second to wait for silence. When she was satisfied, she continued.

"I am now going to start the video from where we left off. Everybody present should have seen all the videos up to this point."

It looked like she was about to start the video but then stopped as if remembering something.

"Oh, one more thing, normally this isn't allowed in accordance with the school rules but the government has made an exception," she said, "If you look towards the back you will see some familiar faces,"

As I took a look, even I was surprised. Standing at the back of the hall was the old student council president Horikita Manabu and his former secretary Tachibana. I hadn't thought I would see him again.

He nodded and raised a hand to the student body. Tachibana half-heartedly followed suit. Through the dense crowd, I saw Nagumo's face twist into an expression that definitely couldn't be described as pleasant. It looked like he was about to call out but Chabashira spoke before he could.

"Now that is out of the way, let's begin,"

I hope you're all well.

Ready and excited to resume our adventure?

Next, we'll be viewing an action sequence.

(A/N - I was going to just put this at the start of the next chapter but it ended up being too long. Well, I'll be releasing this alongside the next actual chapter so I guess it doesn't really change much)

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