Chapter 4 - Ayanokoji vs. Manabu

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This is also from a little after you all learned about the true nature of this school.

Class D had just had a little dispute while trying to organise a study session for its less than academically gifted members.

Horikita Suzune had a little bit of a falling out with Sudo Ken, Ike Kanji, Okitani Kyosuke and the late Yamauchi Haruki for her words regarding their intelligence.

That word choice makes it seem more serious than someone being expelled. Just who did they pick to write this?

Eventually, that hostility ended up reaching a lot of Class D and Horikita didn't garner the best of reputations but that's not important at the moment.

(A/N - I'm changing the classes to match the results at the end of the second Island Exam so just pretend I didn't mess them up in the beginning chapters)

Some of the former Class D bowed their heads, Sato amongst them. She had been one of the people to suggest bullying Horikita for her harsh behaviour at that time and had since come to regret her words.

This video takes place soon after the failed study session. Enjoy!

Once again, the video seemed to be from my perspective. What happened after the study session? I confirmed that Kushida's outward personality was an act but that has little to do with the study session and it sounds like this video is going to be centred on Horikita anyway. Perhaps they are going to show my scuffle with Manabu?

I couldn't get to sleep, so I got up and left. I bought some juice from the lobby's vending machine and headed back for the elevator.

"It is very interesting that all of these videos seem to be from your perspective, kouhai," Nagumo took no time at all in trying to probe me.

"I'm just as confused as you are, senpai," I responded.

"Oh I'm sure," he said with an ugly smile, "Perhaps Horikita-senpai could enlighten us?

He glanced over to where the elder Horikita had found a seat.

"I'm in the dark too, Nagumo," he said, "Although, I have no doubt that you will find the answers you are looking for by sitting quietly and watching the video,"

It sounded like he was scolding a young child and Nagumo didn't seem to have taken it well either. However, he held his tongue and turned back to the screen.


I could see that the elevator had stopped on the seventh floor. Curious, I decided to check out the CCTV, which showed what was happening inside the elevator car. I saw Horikita, still dressed in her school uniform.

"Why were you still in your uniform at that time of night, Horikita-san?" Onodera asked curiously.

"I had someone I needed to meet," Horikita responded in a purposely vague manner.

Some students in Class C looked like they wanted to ask more questions but as soon as they saw the expression on Horikita's face, they decided to hold them back.

"Oh, a boyfriend, Suzune?" Ryuen goaded, not caring about Horikita's wishes in the slightest.


Her blunt reply took everyone by surprise. Even Ryuen hesitated before continuing.

"A touchy subject then, eh? Well, it looks like we'll be seeing soon enough anyway," Ryuen said, shrugging his shoulders, "I mean, you are going to follow her, right, Ayanokoji?"

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