Chapter Six - Saving Sudo

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This will take place when you all took your first midterm exams.

There were barely audible groans from certain sections of the audience.

One student of Class D was on the brink of being expelled, until...

"Until what?" someone called out.

Without further detail, the video started.

Chabashira-sensei strode into the classroom, looking around at the students in surprise. Everyone was clearly anxious, holding their breath in anticipation of the test results.

"Sensei. We were told that the results would be announced today, but when?"

"There's no need for you to get so worked up, Hirata. You should have passed quite easily."

It was interesting to remember how quickly Yosuke had gotten attached to this class. If someone had gotten expelled earlier on, it might have been quite the problem.

"He was obviously worried about his classmates, sensei," Sato pointed out.

(A/N - Someone pointed out that I've been using Mori a lot and I hadn't even realised. Her and Inogashira are the only two characters with somewhat defined personalities that aren't a part of the 'main' girls, so I used them to make passing comments that weren't in character for the rest of the cast. Just so I can stop using both of them everywhere, I'm going to take a few of the other members of each class and give them very minimal characterisation so I can have some variety when I need someone to make the odd comment.)

"I don't think I would have made it through that exam without Hirata-kun's study sessions..." Maezono.

"As long as you study properly, I don't think any of you would have a problem now," Yosuke tried encouraging his classmates.

It was true that Class C had come a long way academically. One key attribute of this school was the penalty for a failing grade. This rule pressured it's students into giving their all in every exam, as one missed mark could mean expulsion. While it was a lot to deal with mentally, no other school could provide this kind of motivation, meaning that even students like Sudo or Ike had a reason to get serious when it came to studying.

On another note, it was now clear what the video would show this time. Slowly but surely, both mine and Horikita's lies would be torn to shreds.

"So, when will the results be released?"

"Well, if you'd like, now is as good a time as any. If we waited to do it after class, we wouldn't have enough time for other procedures."

Some of the students visibly reacted to the words "other procedures."

" you mean by that?"

"Don't get flustered. I'll tell you now."

As usual, she revealed the details simultaneously and collectively. She stuck a large, white sheet of paper with everyone's names and test scores onto the blackboard.

"Honestly, I'm impressed. I didn't think that you'd score so well. Many students tied with perfect scores in mathematics, Japanese, and social studies. More than ten of you, actually."

"That was all due to those old test results. Thanks again for that Kushida-chan!" Okitani bowed his head.

"Oh, um- No problem!" Kushida replied.

"It was definitely a creative way to solve the problem, but it still felt like cheating," Keisei said.

"Hey, those test results saved me and Miyatchi! What about you, Airi?" Haruka asked.

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