Chapter Three - Entrance Exam Scores

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Especially those of you in Class D!

Curious faces showed up on most of the Class D students.

Would you like to know the truth of some matters concerning your class?

If there was even any hope left in me to begin with, these words shattered it entirely. Lots of students in Class D were obviously confused.

"What does that mean?" Sato asked.

"I don't like to guess, but it sounds like either some things happened without our knowledge or we weren't made aware of something important?" Yosuke suggested.

Even if he was just guessing, he had managed to hit the target directly. I looked over to Horikita. Her face showed no sign of anxiety or worry but in these circumstances, there was no doubt she was feeling a great deal of both.

"Sensei, do you know anything?" Mori asked.

Chabashira stayed silent and shook her head. Come to think of it, if these videos continued, I wouldn't be the only one inconvenienced.

"There is no point in guessing when we are going to see what it means in a few moments," Horikita quieted the class, "Just remember what I said about showing consideration."

Class D accepted her wishes and waited to be shown the truth.

"Fufu, that makes it sound like you have an idea what's coming, Horikita-san." Sakayanagi jumped at the chance to cause an incident.

"I have no idea what will be shown, Sakayanagi-san," Horikita held her line, "I simply wish for my class to stay united, I'm sure you understand that."

"Of course, of course," Sakayanagi smiled, "But I can't imagine not knowing what's going on in my own class, can you?"

Horikita had basically been backed into a corner. If she admitted she knew of my actions, then when they were shown, there was a chance the class would hold her just as accountable. However, by feigning ignorance, she was coming off as a leader without control. I subtly nudged Kei.

Understanding my wishes, she called out to Sakayangi, "Hey, it has nothing to do with you, why would Horikita-san discuss Class D's personal business with you?"

"How true, Karuizawa-san!" Sakayanagi accepted her challenge, "But shouldn't your class leader be the one fending me off?"

"Ha, then we'd be just like your class, wouldn't we," Kei huffed, "Why doesn't anyone else from your class speak up or are they too wimpy!"

Sakayanagi appeared amused by her argument. It looked like Hashimoto and some other members of Class A wanted to fight Kei's accusation but Sakayanagi waved a hand to stop them.

Kei let a smile form on her face as she watched the students of Class A abide by their leader's wishes. Horikita may hold the edge in academics and logic but she couldn't hope to match Kei's quick thinking and remarkable social power. Even Sakayanagi, who loved to apply pressure using only her words, knew that Kei could at least hold her own against her.

Not at all seeming displeased, Sakayanagi withdrew. At that sight, Kei received many looks of pride from our classmates and astonishment from other students.

The video is taken from just after you all learned about the S-System and its basic function.

Numerous groans emanated from Class D: a sound that the other classes found quite humorous.

"Hey, Kushida-san, do you have a minute?" Karuizawa asked.

"What's up, Karuizawa-san?"

"Honestly, I've spent way too many points, and I'm seriously running low. Some of the other girls in class have lent me a few points, but I was wondering if you could help me out, too. We're friends, right? I only need, like, 2,000 points from you."

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