Sudou's Trial - Horrible Human Being

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(A/N - Hi, I don't usually put any notes at the start of my writing but this is an exception. Everyone reading this is probably aware of how terribly inconsistent my uploads are by now. The main two reasons for this are my job and my work on my original series. So, I decided to start streaming.

How does this correspond to either of these problems? Well, obviously I'm not streaming solely so I can upload more to Wattpad, but I think it could potentially solve a few of my problems to the point where I think it's relevant enough to state here. Also, yes, I'm looking for viewers wherever I can. 

If you're interested, click the external link if you are on a PC. If that doesn't work my username on Twitch is JokurraOfficial.  I'll be mostly playing games on there. I'll be streaming Genshin Impact either today or tomorrow so I'd appreciate it if you'd come swing by a say hello. Me and a couple of my friends have a few anime-related ideas we'd like to implement eventually, including a podcast, but that will be a little later down the line. 

Anyway, I'll stop my advertising and let you get to reading. Long story short, I'd really appreciate it if you followed me on Twitch and stopped by a few of my streams. Cheers!)

This time we're doing things a little differently.

You won't be watching Ayanokouji's perspective, but Horikita's.

"We get to see Suzune's thoughts?" Sudou couldn't keep his glee to himself.

"Well, this is irritating..." Horikita didn't look pleased in the slightest. Personally, I was all for it.

"Maybe this is how it's going to work?" Keisei was deep in thought, "It could be that we will be watching the point of view of the person who was most involved at the time?"

"I see what you mean, Yukimura-kun, but I don't think that adds up," Ichinose disagreed.

"Why is that?"

"Well, think back to the video where Ayanokouji-kun first visited his dorm room. Everyone already knows what the dorm rooms look like, right? I just think that means that...well, Ayanokouji-kun is the focus here," Ichinose lowered her voice as she finished her explanation.

Truly a troublesome realisation. While it had been clear to me for a while that this was the case, everybody else likely assumed that my inclusion in the videos was merely a coincidence. It probably made sense to them that the perspective was switching to Horikita's.

"I don't get it though. Why Ayanokouji?" Shinohara asked.

"If we disregard who the focus is for a second, the main point of this seems to be showing us events that weren't previously public knowledge," Katsuragi said, "I believe it could be as simple as Ayanokouji being the student who has the most knowledge of these unknown events,"

It was a good deduction based on the available information. However, I doubted that was the extent of it. As of now, I had no way of knowing whether the White Room would be revealed, but knowing that had little effect on my situation. If the White Room was revealed or hidden away from the public eye, it didn't change the fact that whoever was behind the videos knew of its existence. If the information only pertained to the school then that was fine with me, but even if it didn't, I probably didn't need to worry about it too much.

"I guess I understand that...but does Ayanokouji-kun really know that much?" Mori asked in a sceptical tone.

"Think about it for a second. Horikita and Hirata seem to lead your class together, no? Everybody knows about the connection between Ayanokouji and Horikita, but I've also noticed that he and Hirata are on a first-name basis," Katsuragi had been paying close attention, "If he's close to your class's two main figures, then it tracks that he would have more information than the regular student,"

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