Chapter 3: Phone call

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"Ring, ring, ring" My phone rang as I stressfully shot open my eyes... again.

"Ok now i'm pissed, i just wanted to have a nice morning where i would be able to calmly sleep in" I whine out loud with anger. I look at the phone and see that it is my mom calling me. I sigh and then put my phone on the speaker.

"Aria! Where are you right now!?" My mom half yells at me.

"Huh, what do you mean? I'm home of course as I told you yesterday!" I say with annoyance and confusion.

"You need to leave right now!" she says as fear is now clear in her voice.

"What are you talking about?! Are you so mad about me skipping school that you would try to pay me back with this lame ass joke?" I say, kind of unsure now, feeling my heart starting to beat faster. The truth is that I know my mom is incapable of lying and even if she could, she wouldn't be this good of an actor.


"Hush" I say suddenly, cutting her off.

"M-mom... s-somones knocking at the d-door" I stutter, hearing my own voice shake. The phone gets silent as I say those words

"M-mom?" I say looking back at the phone feeling my body tense up.

"Listen to me Aria and listen well, I don't have time to tell you the full story right now but I need you to do exactly as I say.." She explains as I clearly hear how much she's trying to calm herself down but with no luck. I gulp at those words feeling that my life has been threatened.

"These people outside of our house are no ordinary people, they are looking for you and they are very very dangerous!" I freeze at her words and suddenly realise that the knocking has stopped.

'Maybe they left?' I try convincing myself but know that it's highly unlikely after hearing my mom talking about them.

"Go to the bathroom, open the window to the roof and climb up there hiding yourself until they leave.." She says as I suddenly hear a crashing sound downstairs at the front door. I quickly tiptoed to the bathroom which isn't far from my room.

I'm extremely grateful that my brother decided to go out and eat with his friends, which really doesn't happen often either. I ended the call by hearing some last words from my mom 

"Oh no are they entering?! Aria?! No matter what happens, know that you are my daughter and nothing else, stay saf-" She gets cut off by me hanging up, afraid that they might hear her voice.

I stand on the toilet seat trying to climb out the window with sweat drops forming on my temple.

"Search the whole house, she's probably hiding somewhere" I hear an unknown man say with a stern voice.

I make my way out of the window on the roof carefully not wanting to fall and draw attention. The roof isn't that high up from the ground because of the triangle bulled of the house, it would result in me being able to jump off without hurting myself too much.

My body feels frozen which makes it hard to move and even if i could i don't know where to run.

"Are you sure she ain't in school?" Another guy says. 'How many are there? Why are they after me? How do they even know me?' Questions bubbling up in my mind making my hands sweat and my breathing uneven.

"She isn't in school, we already asked some teachers who said she was reported sick" Some man said.

'Wait, did they go to my school as well?! What in the world is happening right now?' I thought to myself with tears of fear now filling my eyes.

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