Chapter 51: Childhood Memories

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"There's so much, i don't even know where to start" Sebastian begins as he looks like he's thinking about which childhood memory to tell about.

"Oh Sebastian doesn't actually have a very good memory so there's no point in asking, right Sebastian" I say while giving him the 'don't you dare' look.

"I'm sure he can remember just fine, I would love hearing as much as possible about my little sister's life before meeting us" Xavier says with a smirk, clearly amused by my reaction.

"Well Aria was always a pretty calm and well behaved kid but sometimes she did some crazy things, like this one time when her friend convinced her to roll down a hill with a shopping cart they found.

She had a hard time saying no back then and agreed but when she rolled down she immediately crashed into a trashcan and fell into it. She also had some embarrassing moments with the teachers at our school.

Like when we were in class, one of my friends took her iPad and changed the background into something inappropriate while she was in the bathroom.

When she came back, she asked a question to the teacher, resulting in her coming back to her seat with the teacher behind her. When she opened her ipad she immediately turned red as a tomato and the teacher called our parents. Another time when we were like 8, we found a used baby diaper in the woods that she picked up with a stick and tried to throw at me.

She had a terrible aim though and accidentally threw the diaper at our scariest teacher." Sebastian says, laughing from the memories.

My face immediately reddened from embarrassment when Hunter, Julian and Zach started laughing. Enzo also tried holding back a smile from the memory.

"What's wrong little girl, your face is looking a little red there" Xavier teases with an amused smirk. 'Did Xavier just tease me?!'.

"Yeah and she always wanted to have big brothers because she thought it was the coolest thing" Sebastian continued as he closed his eyes to think back at the memory.

"Aww how cute" Noah says as he smiles big at me. "Ok i think that's enough memories" I say, smiling awkwardly while waving my hands in surrender.


Time skip after dinner:

"Alright time for bed kids" Enzo says, noticing my tired yawn.

"Yeah kids go to sleep now the grown ups have things to do" Hunter says while looking at me, Sebastian and Noah with a smirk.

"He meant you too idiot" Zach says smacking Hunter in the back of the head.

"What! i'm not a kid" Hunter yells offended. "Then maybe you should stop acting like one" Noah says teasingly.

"Enough already," Enzo says, clapping his hands together sounding exactly like a mom.

"Yes mom" I joke with a smile making Julian laugh pointing at Enzo. Enzo lets out a chuckle as he comes up, ruffling my hair.

"So where exactly am I going to sleep tonight?" Sebastian asks, clearly exhausted from the day. "Right, follow me," Enzo says, walking upstairs.

"You'll be sleeping in this guest room and it's really close to Aria's room too," Enzo says, showing him the fancy bedroom. "Wow this is huge" Sebastian says, staring into the huge bedroom.

"Goodnight Sebastian, I'll see you in the morning" I say as Enzo closes his door behind him. 

"C'mon, let's get you to bed as well" Enzo says walking towards my bedroom.

"You talk like i'm a toddler or something" i pout at him making him chuckle. I go to my bathroom to change into my pj's and get into bed. Enzo puts the blanket over me and gives me a kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight baby" Enzo says teasingly, earning a sigh.

"Goodnight mom" I responded with just as much teasing, earning a laugh as he closed the door after leaving the room. I close my tired eyes to finally relax into my sleep.


A few hours later...

I wake up by a hand slamming itself on my mouth. I look at the person covering my mouth, seeing a huge man with a mask covering his face. I feel panic and adrenaline rushing through my veins as I struggle to get the hand off.

He grabs my hair, tilting my head to the side as I feel a sharp sting in my neck. I feel my head starting to spin as I feel my body getting heavy and my eyelids slowly closing.

"You're all mine now" The unknown man says before I finally drift away into unconsciousness. My eyes fly open as I feel ice cold water hit my face.

I look around in the dark room noticing I'm not in my bedroom anymore. It's dark everywhere and I can't seem to find the exit. I'm scared out of my mind. 'Where am i?' Where are my brothers?' What's going on?'. "You're finally awake" The voice says as I snap out of my thoughts.

"Who are you?" I ask with a shaking voice. The man steps out of the shadows as I notice that he looks exactly like an older version of Sandro. 'Don't tell me'

"Yes I'm Sandros father" He says like he knew what I was thinking.

"I have to say, you got some fight in you, attacking my son like that-" He begins with a sinister smirk.

"He attacked me-" I get cut off by him slapping my face hard leaving a stinging sensation in my cheek.

"Don't you cut me off you little bitch" He says as he's eyes darken. I mentaly scold myself for already pissing him off.

"I'm sure Sandro has already told you a little about the grudge my family has against yours but let me explain exactly what you're brothers have put my family through" He says with rage behind his dark, almost black eyes.

"My firstborn and only daughter was deeply in love with Xavier, the oldest child of the Alvarez family and next in line to take over the family business. She was only 1 year younger than him but wanted to spend all her days with him. 

However, she was rejected harshly and after not giving up on him, she was brutally murdered by his own hands. Her death took a toll on our family and my wife ended up killing herself from the grief. I'm sure all your other brothers also took a part in turning Xavier against my daughter and therefore I will make them all suffer.

Now that I have you, I can hurt you in any way I want and therefore torment those brothers of yours" He says with a wide sinister smile sending shivers down my spine. I wanted to speak but no words would come out.

"Now then let's begin" He says as he swings his fist towards my face, hitting the left side of my cheekbone. I groan as the pain hits seconds after and I feel my eyes watering from the pain. He cuts the tightly tied ropes that dig into my skin as I fall off the chair I was sitting on.

He walks forward, kicking my ribs. I feel the oxygen leave my lungs as his hard shoe digs into my ribs. I groan loudly as I try catching my breath but fail as another kick hits the same spot making me cry out in pain.

"Please stop" I plead between breaths.

"Oh but the fun has only begun"

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