Chapter 42: Memory

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The food looks amazing as the guy from before places it on the table. I look up at him slightly as he puts my plate down, he gives me a big smile making me slightly smile as well only to look down again when Hunter gives me 'the look' of disapproval.

It makes me angry at the thought of how much control my brothers have over me. I'm not used to it, considering I had litely zero rules at my old house. I was a pretty well behaved kid though so my parents didn't feel the need to put rules in the house.

To say that the waffles were delicuse was an understatement. It was the best breakfast I've ever eaten in my life.

Not the healthiest though but still good. Xavier and Enzo seemed to be talking about their work while the twins and Noah were arguing about something. Zach was on his phone probably texting someone.

I was just eating happily and forgetting the argument that took place a few minutes ago. Suddenly I hear a little kid at the table next to me crying. It wasn't super loud but the little girl was definitely upset. On the looks of it, she had tripped on something making her fall.

I stare at the little girl being picked up and comforted by the mother who held the little girl while rocking her up and down.

Memories flashed through my mind at the site and I can't help but think of the woman I once called mom. Even though I know she wasn't blood, I still loved her the same and she was truly my best friend. 'I sure miss having a mom' I think as my eyes are unconditionally glued to the scene in front of me.

"...Aria!" I snapped out of my train of thought and turned my head towards the person calling me. I'm met with Enzo's concerned eyes and as I look closer, all my brothers are staring at me with different emotions. 

"Sorry did you say something?" I ask Enzo who looks at the place my eyes were glued at and then back at me with sympathy.

"Are you ok?" His question takes me by surprise and I feel myself zoning out again as I stare into his eyes. To be honest, after i thought about my 'mom', i've had this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach like something isn't right.

Something feels off and I can't help worrying. I see a hand waving in front of my face as I again snap out of my thoughts.

"Hey, snap out of it kid" I hear Hunter say as he withdraws his hand. 

"Yeah i'm fine" I quickly say as i realise how suspicious i'm being.

"Are you sure? you look like you're thinking real hard on something" Noah asks looking conerd. 

"Aria, if you have something on your mind then tell us" Xavier says with a cold voice making me wonder if he even cares.

"No seriously i'm just a bit tired after eating so much" I say with half a smile and my hands up in the air in surrender. 

They look like they don't believe a word I say but decide not to say anything more. After everyone ate their food we make our way towards the car to drive home, or at least that's where I thought we were going.

"We are making a quick stop at the hospital on the way home, apparently there are some shots that you haven't taken that you need to take as fast as possible" I freeze as the words leave Xaviers mouth.

Ok, I know I haven't taken a lot of shots back in the day as my 'dad' did not believe in them and thought it was all a lie or something. But I have taken some shots when very young and I've gotten a big fear of needles. There is NO way I'm doing this.

OVER MY DEAD BODY will i ever get a shot again.

"Actually i think there has been a mistake" I start saying, gaining the attention from my brothers before they were about to get seated in the cars.

"I have already taken all my shots so i don't know where you got that information but it's not true" I try denying with confidence but my brothers seem to have caught on to my nervousness. 

"Oh baby, don't tell me you're scared of the little needles" Hunter says mockingly using a baby voice. I see Julian trying not to laugh as Zach just smirks at me in amusement.

"It's not funny!" I half yell, i mentaly scold myself as I realize I just confirmed their suspicion. 'darn it'.

"Aww don't worry princess, i'll be over before you know it" Noah says as he ruffles my hair. 'Well plan B then'.

'I don't know where I am right now so I'll wait till I get towards the hospital and then run away and hide until they give up.

I get seated in the car and pretend like I've totally given up on getting away from this situation. The drive is tense, I feel my heart starting to pound harder and faster at every minute that goes by.

'We are getting closer, I can feel it'. Right at the time I thought about it. Xavier pulls up at a huge hospital. As they leave the car I feel sweat starting to form on my temple.

'Please don't throw up' i kept repeating in my head as i felt the nerves in my body intensify. My door flies open by Zach as he looks like he is enjoying my reaction.

"So are you gonna come out or would you rather want me carrying you there" He says with a smirk. Oh and how I want to wipe that smirk off his face right now.

I leave the car as I know that my plan of hiding will not work if he will carry me there. 

A/N: So i talked about my interests in school today and said i like writing books, basically it ended with me telling people in my class what the name of this book was (becasue they asked, i did NOT want to tell them). So i changed the name of my story cuz it would be super embarrassing if they would read this story and then talk about in class. Also, i don't know these people in my class cuz i just starded it and i don't plan on talking to people so yeah :)

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