Chapter 61: Punishment

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I hear his slow footsteps approaching as he stops only inches away. I feel him tower over me as my short frame doesn't even need to look down to avoid his gaze.

He moves again, walking around me like sharks surrounding their prey.

"Dear child, where should I even start?" He says as I hear the sound of my heart beat increasing from this terrifying experience with my brother.

"First you argue against me, raising your voice and disrespecting me when you knew exactly that your twin brother would not be allowed to stay here. Then you walk right past me in the halls, continuing with your rude behaviour. And now this" He says stopping right behind me.

"Tell me, did you really think I'll let you get away with all that little girl?" He whispers in my ear making all the hair on my body stand up.

'I can't believe this is giving me more shivers than when I watched fricking titanic for the first time' He walks around again to stop in front of me.

He puts his pointer finger under my chin lifting it up, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"I asked you a question" He says as he looks down at me.

"S-sorry wh-what was t-the question again?" I ask as i mentaly scold myself for always making my situation worse than they already are. He narrows his eyes at me making my body unconsciously take a step back, making his finger release my chin.

"You've really been getting out of hand lately" He says with disapproval as he takes a step forward making me again step back.

"It was just a joke" I start.

"I joke huh?" He asks coldly.

"And I was gonna apologize," I continue.

"Oh yeah?" He says with the same emotionless tone as before. I feel my back getting stopped by the wall as Xavier still walks towards me. He stops even closer to me than before, at this point it's very likely I will get a heart attack from this.

"Listen here little girl, this is my house and i decide who stays over or not. I am your oldest brother and you gardien, you will not disrespect me" He starts with his eyes glued to mine 

"Understand?" He says with a low voice as I respond with a quiet 'yes'.

"Good, now for your punishment" He starts as I sigh under my breath.

"No electronics for a month and you're grounded" He says, making me look down.

"And about what you said to me before" He says, making me look up again.

"I may seem cold and emotionless, but everything I do, I do to protect and keep you safe. I will always do what's necessary even if you may hate me for it" He says, taking a step back.

"Xavier" I start to say, looking away.

"I don't hate you, i could never hate my brother" I continue to say.

"I was just angry but I apologise for it. I'm truly sorry for what I said" I say as I look up at his eyes, seeing them soften a bit. I give him the best puppy eyes I can muster to ask for forgiveness. 

"Don't look at me like that" He says as I notice his mouth slightly twitching upwards. Then he walks towards me doing the last thing I expected he'll do. He hugged me tight as I felt the fear leave my body instantly. 

"Don't worry little sister, I'll always forgive you" He says as I smile at the warm feeling in my heart for it to only be replaced by coldness. I tense as I feel ice cold water being spilled on my head, dripping down to my neck.

I look up at my brother to see him holding an empty glass of water in his hand and a small smirk present on his face.

"And that's the punishment for getting one of my most expensive suits wet" He says as I laugh in response.

"Why is she laughing, weren't you supposed to punish her?" I hear Julians annoyed voice in the background. I look behind me to see all my brothers have opened the door to peek in at the scene.

"Sorry for attacking you all with the water gun" I apologise with a smile.

"Ok what did i miss?" Enzo asks, confused.

"Great, I really wanted to see some shit going down" Hunter says disappointed.

"I forgive you princess," Noah says with a smile. "Sorry for not being able to help you sis" Sebastian says, not looking so sorry.

"Oh you're lucky you didn't spray me with that water gun of yours-" Zach begins saying but stops as i spray him with water right in his mouth.

"Easy Zach" Enzo tries calming my very pissed off brother down.

"Oh now you've done it" He says, too calmly to my liking. The twins hold him back as he starts saying stuff about how he's gonna throw me into a lake while I sleep.

'Guess I'm staying awake tonight'. His rambling cuts off as I hear something I never thought I would hear. Xaviers laughs, he laughs with sincerity and real emotion. I look at him and don't even realize I'm smiling.

"You know, you should laugh more" I say happily as his laugh dies down.

"This was the only time, kid" He says as he ruffles my hair walking past me.

"Let's go eat some of those cookies you said you wouldn't share" He says, sounding amused. 

"Fine, but Zach doesn't get to eat one!" I say teasingly, making the rest of my brothers (except Zach) laugh.

"Try laughing when i finish eating them all" Zach threatens with a smirk as he runs out the office towards the kitchen.

The rest of the day is spent running around the mansion tring to take back the cookies that Zach stole, laughter and happiness.

'To know that all this happened under a year, i can't imagine what'll happen next' 


A/N: Sorry but it had to end somewhere and i thought it was a pretty good time to do so. Anyways, thank you al so much for reading this book. I love you al so much and respct you for spending your own time on this. I will probably write more books like these in the future so make sure to stay updated. Thanks again.

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