Chapter 43: I Hate Shots

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"Why does everybody need to come?" I ask with annoyance. 'This makes it harder to get away'. 

"Oi, lose the attitude shortly," Julian says with amusement. They're all walking in front of me as I walk a bit slower so I have a higher chance of getting away. We sit and wait in the waiting room as I try to come up with a plan.

"Um i think i need to use the restroom '' i say as i try walking away discreetly.

"Wait up kid you're not going anywhere" I stop at the sound of Julian.

"What do you mean?" i ask confused.

"I'm coming with you so you won't try anything funny" He says, making my hands slightly sweaty.

"S-sure, you can come. I mean why not" I say trying to not raise suspicion. After walking for 2 minutes I realize the bathroom is pretty close to where the rest are, well too bad. I stop in my tracks as I turn around facing Julian.

He raises an eyebrow at me suspiciously as I gulp. I then stare right behind him for him to see.

"Omg, i did not think nurses were allowed to put on such revealing clothes" I say as i mentaly praise myself for my acting skills. As soon as he turns around, I take the opportunity and run like my life depends on it.

"I can't see any- HEY!!" He yells as he notices I've escaped. His voice must have been heard by the others as i quiqly hear more footsteps fast approaching.

"She's running away!" Julian yells to what I assume is the others. I look behind me and regret it instantly.

Hunter, Noah and Julian are running after me and the others have disappeared to god knows where. As I turn my head forward again my body freezes as I notice my ramaning brothers standing in front of me.

Xavier in the middle looking cold and emotionless as ever, with Enzo and Zach on the sides, blocking the way. Just then, a nurse comes out of the room behind my brothers in front of me calling my name.

'FUCK!!' I curse in my mind as I realise I'm running out of time. "You really thought you could run away from this?" Xaviers cold voice is not really making me freak out any less.

"C'mon now little one theres no need to be scared" Enzo says with a small smile.

"Um, can we please do this some other time, I don't feel well today" I say with a shaky, nervous voice.

"Oh? but I thought you said you wear fine back at the restaurant when we asked you" Damn you Xavier and your observation skills.

"Excuse me Miss Alvarez but it is your turn now so please come this way" the nurse says as she motions me to follow her. 'Ok it's now or never' I run, making my way towards the side where Zach is standing.

The gap between him and the wall is the biggest there and probably my best chance for escape. I heard a sigh from Xavier as he already knew what I might do. "Zach" He says with a deep voice not even fazed by my move.

"On it" Is al Zach says as I feel his arm hook it's way around my waist making me stop.

"NO, WAIT I'M NOT READY '' I yell as I feel the panic arising. My fight or flight instinct kicks in as I struggle against his strong hold. Gripping and pushing away his arm trying to make him release me for it to only tighten around my waist as he lifts my body with his single arm.

"Aria. Calm down" I hear Xavier say with his usual tone.

"No, let me go!" I yell as they just start making their way towards the room where the scared looking nurse stands and watches. I start hitting Zach's chest with my elbow feeling my frustration rising.

"Zach let me go!" I yell as he easily grabs a hold of my arm with his other free one.

"Stop struggling, you're not going anywhere" He says with a stern voice.

As I realize we're in the room he drops me and i quiqly, for the hundredth time try running away only for Enzo to grab my arm this time. I pull myself as much as i can away from him with no luck.

I don't even manedge getting an inch further as his strong grip holds me back. I grab his wrist trying to push it away only for him to grab my wrist and pull me towards the bed.

"No stop, I hate needles!" I yell.

"It's going to be ok, just close your eyes and trust me" He says softly. He lifts me onto his lap as he sits on the bed holding my body with his strong arms around me.

I see the nurse holding up the long needle in front of me earning a glare from Noah as to why she chose to do it right in front of me. She quickly hides it like I didn't just see it.

"Ok sweetheart just close your eyes now and it'll be over soon" I feel a grip on my chin turning my head the other way. Xavier stares into my eyes with a firm grip on my chin making me unable to look at the needle.

"you're doing great, just keep looking at me now" He says with unexpected softness and comfort making my body slightly more relaxed.

"And that's it, you're all done" She says as I turn my head in confusion.

"What! that was it?!" I yell surprised. Xavier sighs as he brings his hand up to his forehead looking like he's so done with me.

"See that wasn't so bad now was it?" Enzo says as he lifts me down the bed.

"Yeah that wasn't bad at all" I laugh like i didn't just put one hell of a fight.

A/N: Ok so i'm feeling extra happy today so you guys get another chapter

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