Chapter 2 :: training

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I wake up to the sound of clashing medal. I look up to see Four hitting two medal cups together.

"Wake up. You guys have thirty minutes to get ready and do whatever, but hurry," he says before walking off. 

I groan and get out of bed. I take a quick shower and put on the black tights, tanktop, and jacket. I put my hair in a high ponytail. I look in the mirror and sigh, not pleased with my appearence like every morning. 

"I'm not looking forward to today," I groan, James' nods. 

"C'mon, lets just get it over with," he says and Liz and I follow him to the training room. 

It wasn't too far away from our rooms, but I didn't want to walk it everyday. 


We started out with punching bags. Four and Eric went around and helped everyone with their techniques and stuff. I threw a few more punches and then I check my knuckles and they're bright red. 

"Alright, next activity is knife throwing. Everyone go to their own station. Four will show you how it's done, then we'll be helping you perfect it," Eric announces. I've never seen him smile or showing any emotion for that matter.

Four walks to the middle lane. A blue target is right in fron of him. It's shaped like a human. Next to him is   a medal table of polished knives. 

He stands in a position that I exmine extremely carefully. He throws it and he hits the exact center. 

Everyone goes to their own station. Nobody is particularly standing out in this station. Except for Maddy. A tall girl with somewhat short brown hair. Eric comes to me and catches me staring at her.

"What are you doing?" he snaps. Four is starring at us and trying to make out our conversation.

"Uh.. I-I was just looking at Maddy," I stutter. I never stutter? Something about this guy was.. scary I guess. Intimidating is the right word. 

"Did I ask you to stare at Maddy?" he gets closer to me. He smells of alcohol and smoke. Not appealing at all.

"N-No, I was just looking at her technique."

"If you need help ask. Clearly you need more time so don't spend it staring at Maddy," he groans and starts to walk away then. 

"Well since you think you're so fantastic, help me," I demand. Where did this confindence come from?

He turns around and all we're doing is starring at each other. Until he finally decides to break the silence. 

"Go get the knives," he is clearly infuriated. I go to the target and pick up all of the knives on the ground and start to pull the knives out of the target until I feel a sharp pain in my right arm.

I look down and a long horizontal cut is on my arm. Blood is dripping and falling onto the floor. 

"Y-You threw-" he cuts me off.

"A knife at you. Back talk me again and I'll do something even worse," he snaps and walks away.

Everyone seems to be taken aback, except Four. He must've seen this coming, or has witnessed it before. 

I pull out the last knife out of the target, which was the knife Eric threw at me, and put them all back on the table.

Four grabs my wrist and pulls me aside. 

"Everyone, keep practicing," he demands.

He keeps on pulling me down a hallway until we enter a white room, with a few chairs, a desk, and a sink. Like a room in a hospital. 

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