Chapter 6 :: capture the flag

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"Are you nervous?" Eddie asks me. Of course I'm nervous. 

I nod as the train rattles. 

"Okay, we're going to pick teams. Four and I are team captains," Eric shouts so everyone on the train can hear. 

"We'll start with initiates."

"Pick who you please," Four says to Eric.

Eric has a smirk on his face, "James."

Of course he's going to pick the strongest person. 

"Alex," Four calls. He picked me? Well okay. I walk up there with my heart racing, and he clearly knows I'm nervous since he smirks at me. 

"Eddie," Eric says.

"Liz," says Four. So it's friends against friends, hm? 


"Maddy," Four finally picks. Maddy has actually been slacking lately, she better do good at this. Not much happened to her. Someone just has to constantly be with her for the next week or two.

They start calling out Dauntless-born people, but I don't care enough to listen. I don't know who's strong and who isn't but Four would've definitely picked the strongest people. 

We finally arrive at our destination, and I feel even more nervous. I have butterflies in my stomach, but I also am excited to play. 

"Okay, plan? Where do we hide it?" Maddy asks. God, even her voice is annoying. 

"We could hide it up on the tower up there," I point to a tall tower that has an opening at the top.

Four nods, "Great."

"Two people guard on top, two people at bottom, three people go and try to scout out the area and get the flag, while the last two people distract them?" Eddie suggests.

Four nods, "That's what we'll do. Eddie, Alex, and I will try and get the flag. Maddy and Marcus guard the bottom. Liz and Zach distract, and lastly Rita and Ryan guard the flag. Okay?" Everyones heads nod in agreement.

Rita and Ryan run to the top to place the flag at the top, but the flag glows a bright neon green color, so they have to try their best to conceal it, but I don't think they'll do very good. 

The game starts in ten minutes, in the mean time, I try to get a better look at where they're hiding their flag. 

I tell Liz I'll be right back. I start running to my left and there's a building with several flights of stairs, but I'll get the best view from at the top. As I start to walk up the stairs, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Four, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to try and get a better look at where they're hiding their flag," I shrug.

He nods, "I'm coming with," and he starts walking up with me.

The stairs are really steep and as we get higher and higher, I become more and more afraid of falling off the edge. Can we just hurry this up?

I miss the start of a stair and slip, a soft scream escapes my lips. Four catches me to make sure I don't fall. I cover my mouth with my hand and take a few deep breathes. Falling was my absolute worst fear. I stand back up and still taken aback a little, I step on the final few stairs. Finally.

At the top, there is only a little railing around it. I walk to the edge, trying to see a glow indecating their flag. 

I look back at Four, he looks.. scared? Nobody in Dauntless is supposed to have a fear of... anything. He is a safe distance away from the edge, but is trying to see the bottom. I furrow my eyebrows and he steps back so he can no longer see the bottom. 

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