Chapter 05

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Chaeryeong pov ......

I kept reading in my chair. I looked a little at the one next to me with blond hair. She bowed While looking into the distance.

I still don't pay attention to her, because I think that she might look at my face, that she might disappoint. I'm ugly, I have no friends, you just count them. I was bullied a lot at my previous school because I was ugly, so we decided to move school and I also decided to cover up just my face so no one can see. So that I won't ruin other people's day and so that I won't be hurt either.

I now live in my chaeyeon unnie house. She said it would be better if I moved school and moved away from the old past.

When she noticed that I was covering my face, she was angry. She tried to get rid that of me but I didn't do it. Just like i said, i don't want other people to see my ugly face.

It's just that other people don't notice what I'm doing. But when the past happens again, I will end my life, so that my suffering will end.

I don't hope that anyone will love me anymore. I don't care if no one loves me.

The class is coming up again, I will finish this book I am reading.

I noticed that the woman next to me was not moving. I think she's asleep again.

I hope she would just wake up when our teacher was there.

And then a few minutes later, my classmates arrived.

The two women came last. The other one is tall and narrow -eyed, while the one with her is a bit small to her and looks like a sloth. They are happily walking to their place when they notice the girl next to me Sleeping.

"Ryujin!!, Ryu wake up!" She whispered here as she shook it.

It woke up immediately and sat down properly.

She adjusted herself and removed the earpod from her ear.

She rubbed her eyes and stretched. She's cute.

I immediately removed my gaze from her and looked to the front.

I hope she didn't notice that.

"Okay, our lesson for today..." the class had already started and we were all listening.

All classes are over and it's time to go home. The others are leaving school, but I'm not yet. I secretly go to the place where I can show who I really am.

In the dance studio.......

Owned by my sister. She said to me that if I want to relax I just go there and dance.

I enjoy dancing. It calms my feelings when I was still bullied. I just dance and dance, because that's where I'm happy, that's where I'm free .

I only use it when the whole school is out of class.

I immediately turned on the speaker and played my favorite song.

I followed every Rhythm.

I could feel the music flowing in my ears.

This is what I want, this is all.....

A few minutes passed and I was already feeling tired. I took the water from my bag and drank.

Tiresome but Fun......

I'm done so I got dressed again wearing my shades, masks and hoodie that covered my face.

I locked the door and walked away.

While walking I saw the woman next to me earlier. She looks tired.

I didn't pay any attention to her anymore, I just kept walking until I reached the cafe where I always rest.

I walked straight to the counter and a tall woman with cat eyes faced me, she was beautiful. It's like I see her earlier, she's my classmate who woke up to the girl next to me.

"One iced Americano with chocolate bread" I said and she nodded immediately.

I have sat in the place where I always sit. In the corner where I was next to a fragrant flower.

The air is fresh here and I will admit that what they serve is really delicious .

While waiting, I didn’t even roam my eyes around the cafe. Sooner the glass door open and a  girl entered.

She again?, the girl next to me earlier in the chair.

She sat down at a one seat table and a Little Woman approached her.

They were laughing, maybe the two of them would meet. I  hope everyone has a friend.

Because I have no friends, no one wants me to be their friend.

But that's better than the fact that I know they're just plasticizing me .

"This is your order pretty" I flinch to reality when I hear a woman's voice.

She already brought what I ordered. She laid it in front of me and smiled.

"Thank you" I thank the soft Voice.

I sipped my coffee but I noticed that the woman was still in front of me.

I cleared my throat and looked at her.

"Do you need anything else?" I will ask.

"Nothing. I'm just wondering why you're wearing shades, masks and a hoodie. Aren't you hot?" She asked.

I bowed and did not know what to answer.

"Just don't find out" I replied.

She just went but you can really see the surprise in her eyes.

"All right, I'm back at the counter. Enjoy your meal!" She said and wink to me before walked back to the counter.

No matter what you do, I will not take off my face mask.

I rested deeply and looked at the woman with blond hair. She is my seatmate.

And why is she looking at me?

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