Chapter 14

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Ryujin pov.....

"Kim Junho, the Casanova boy of Kim race. Chaeryeong is right, he turns a lot of women around in his hand. And after he steals its first night, he just leaves it like a bubble" said Yeji unnie who surprised me.

But I was more surprised by what Chaeryeong did, I didn't expect it to come out of her mouth. She's so brave.

"I told you. She can do that" Lia unnie whispered and smirked.

I'm really confused. what else do I not know about Chaeryeong?

All my classmates sat down, but the Fear on Chaeryeong was obvious on their faces after she punched a man.

Chaeryeong sat down and adjusted herself. She shook her hand and gently stroked her fist. I know the feeling when you punch someone in the face .

I was nervous to sit next to her. I even moved a little so that my body would not touch her.

A few minutes passed and our teacher arrived as well. Junho's condition has improved since Chaeryeong punched her.

Awww....poor guy

Next to me, Chaeryeong who is quietly writing. Nothing seems to have happened before.

"Why are you looking at me?" my eyes widened as she spoke. She noticed that I was looking at her. hat are you Ryujin? why is she always caught you?

I was especially nervous when she stared at me. Her eyes are so beautiful that they suddenly glare. I swear, she's scary.

"U-uh No, I'm just looking to see if your hand is okay. It looks like your punch to Junho got stronger" I said and smiled nervously .

She looked at her fist and covered it with her other hand.

"It's a little painful, but it will go away" she replied.

I'm still not satisfied with his answer. So I pulled her hand to look.

"Your hand is so red Chaer, you need to be taken to the clinic" I said while watching her hand turn red.

She looked at me with mixed astonishment.

"You know me?" She asked.

Wait. Doesn't she know me? Doesn't she remember me?

"Don't you remember me?" I asked in a sad Voice.

I thought she still remembered me, not anymore.

"Uhhmmm Ryujin??"

"Yes, I'm Ryujin"

Her mouth turns to 'O' when I answer.

"I remember you" she said and smiled.

I smiled too

"I thought you forgot about me" I said and took a deep breath."How can I forget you, you're the woman who got too drunk in front of me and then when you got drunk you forced me to take you to your room, you even said you would kiss m-" I immediately covered her mouth so she couldn't continue what she was saying .

"Is it okay, just don't tell me everything" I whispered while still covering one of my hands with her mouth.

She remove it immediately.

"Why? You don't want them to know that Shin Ryujin is a Playgirl" my eyes widened at what she called me.

"What?! I'm not a Playgirl" I complained.

"All right you said" she said and smiled.

I was really surprised when she called me. I haven't had a girlfriend in my whole life, so she can't call me that.

I took a deep breath to get rid of the little annoyance I felt.

"Wait, are you angry?" She touched my shoulder and looked at me with concern.

"Hey!, Ryujin? I'm sorry if I called you a playgirl. I was just kidding" she said.

I pretended to be sad and looked at her with sad eyes.

"You know, I haven't had a girlfriend yet. At least one. So I'm not Playgirl OK?" I said and looked at her.

I saw her panicking so I felt a little shivering. Feeling guilty.

"I'm really sorry. Uhmmm I'm just kidding Ryujin. What do you want me to do so you can forgive me?"

I looked at her, I was stunned for a few minutes before I could think of what I wanted to do with her, "Can we hangout later? And tomorrow?" I asked and smiled.

Her forehead frowned. "What are we going to do later and tomorrow?" She asked.

"Nothing, let's just get to know each other, let's eat out" I replied While staring at her.

I hope she agrees, it's like I'm alone with her. "Okay, I agree" I couldn't contain my joy when I heard she agreed .

"Yes! Thank you" I said and suddenly hugged her. I didn't realize that some of my classmates were looking at us. So I immediately broke away and organized myself.

*Time skip cuz I can*

"Why do you seem so happy now Ryujin?" Yeji unnie asked and gently nudged me.

I just smiled and replied.

"Chaeryeong agreed for us to hangout later and tomorrow" I replied.

"Wow! Really?" My other friends just cheered when they heard my answer.

"Yes, she's just paying for the sin she did to me"


"She called me 'Playgirl'" they suddenly laughed.

"What's funny?" I wonder.

"Ryujin, you're really a playgirl, I'm not wondering why she called you a playgirl" Lia unnie said and giggled.

"YAHHH!! UNNIE!!! IM NOT PLAYGIRL!!!" my complaint.

"Look, I haven't gotten a girlfriend yet. I'm not dating anyone, it's just Chaer" I said and smiled as I mentioned her name.

"Yiieee..... someone is in love" they teased.

"Stop that, maybe Chaer will come suddenly, she'll find out" I said.

"Guys!!" we looked at the scream and we saw Chaeryeong on the door smiling.

"Wow Chaer, you're beautiful when you don't have a hoodie" Lia unnie praised her.

"Thank you unnie, but I'm more comfortable if I'm wearing that. In case I don't know where it is" she said and pout.

She didn't know that I had her hoodie .

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