Chapter 3: Fruits can't save us now

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My heart was beating so fast that I thought I'd faint. The guys in blue and red looked even angrier than the British. My friends grabbed their cutlasses, seemingly scared. Although I'd defeated countless enemies, it was always challenging to fight in narrow spaces. First, because there was usually no place to run to. Second, because they're narrow... I already said that, didn't I? Sometimes I repeat things when I'm nervous. The conflict was imminent. I hadn't forgotten how well the grandmas could fight. Anyway, I didn't even blink as the men walked faster towards us. I raised a brow, wondering why the British needed help from those strangers to defeat a small group of pirates.

My cousin gulped, "What's the plan?"

I took a deep breath as I gazed at the incoming threat. Even though I'd been captain for years, creating strategies under pressure still made me nervous. I always preferred to think slowly before putting a plan into action, but I had no choice in that situation.

"You and Miguel take down the guys on the right. Laurens and I will fight the ones on the left," I pressed my lips together. "Get ready, everyone."

Maartje nodded and Laurens glanced at me briefly. The Spaniard, who was often calm, bit his lower lip nervously. I walked closer, wondering what was in his mind.

Maybe he's seen these strangers before...

I pointed at the men in blue and red, "Do you know these guys, Miguel?"

"They're the Spanish Navy, also known as Armada. I don't know why they joined forces with the British because they hate each other," Gálvez narrowed his eyes at the enemies. "I fought Armada officers a lot when I captained the Diablo Rojo. We aren't exactly best friends."

I shook my head in denial, not believing the Armada and the Royal Navy had become allies... Strange, right? That didn't make any sense! Only a crazy miracle could've led that to happen.

"I assume there aren't any cute Spanish words that could make them like us," I glared at our enemies. "Let's show these fools who's the boss!"

A British officer approached us, "Surrender now, stupid pirates, or we'll make you do it."

I smiled nervously, "Maybe we can talk things through first..."

"I don't negotiate with criminals," he signaled the Navy guys. "Destroy them!"

The British men ran to us. An older Spaniard called his guys, so the Armada men came to us as well. Twenty against four... That was my definition of fun! Why did I decide to leave my dog on the ship in the worst moment? Only God knew. Francis' bites would've helped a lot.

A British and a Spaniard fought me at the same time. I quickly dodged from the Navy man's blow and stabbed his right thigh with my cutlass. He yelled in pain while the Armada guy attempted to hurt my chest. I blocked his sword so quickly that I wondered how our blades didn't break. I went for his neck and left a big injury there, making him flinch. The Navy guy recovered and our swords clashed loudly. My sweating increased more than ever. Fighting two guys wasn't easy... I kicked the British guy between the legs, slowing him down.

I frowned, "You're really stubborn, aren't you? You'd get along perfectly with my husband."

Since he was still weakened due to the kick, I took the opportunity to slice a cut on his neck and stab him in the stomach. The guy crashed against the floor while bleeding intensely. You probably knew that already, but the Spanish guy didn't forget about me. Our swords collided multiple times until I caused a wound on his left arm, tearing his coat and skin. He attempted to stab me in the chest, but I dodged, so his blade only hit my right shoulder. I winced and took a deep breath to ignore the burning pain.

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