Chapter 8: What have I done?

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Dirk shot me a mysterious gaze as I took a step closer. I put my hands behind my back to hide my trembling fingers... Don't judge me! I was the captain, so I had to seem alright all the time. Although I felt confident about my abilities to defend myself, I wished Francis was there. Bosch had lost control more than once, so what stopped him from doing it again? My friends were also efficient in saving my skin when I needed them. I sighed when Miguel, Maartje, and Laurens passed by with the kids. I wanted to join them instead of dealing with relationship issues... Besides, Miguel looked hilarious in that straw hat, so I had to see that again. My heart told me to be with people who made me happy while my head said I needed to hear Bosch out. Maybe I was overreacting. Dirk was my husband, so he wouldn't hurt me! At least not again... I took a deep breath, trying not to go crazy.

Dirk sighed, "We need to talk about you."

Are you kidding me?

I followed him to a corner close to the children's room. What the hell did Bosch have in mind? Sometimes I wondered if the only thing Dirk felt was anger.

"This relationship will never work if you don't change. I thought I could handle your weirdness and male behaviors at the beginning, but I was wrong..." Bosch squeezed his eyes shut. "I was wrong about a lot of things."

"So was I," I chewed on my lip. "You always knew I'm not a traditional woman. Why are you acting like I hid something?"

Dirk paced, seemingly about to explode. Something was very wrong... Although Bosch had revealed who he really was, I had a feeling that wasn't the only problem.

"I never expected you to be so manly," I felt small as an ant when he walked closer. "You act as if you're my boss and that became evident after you humiliated me in the gun deck!"

I laughed nervously. Dirk couldn't be serious. A grown man was offended because the captain asked him to be faster? That was part of the job! I gave orders to my crewmembers all the time.

"I am your boss! You must follow my lead during plunders and battles," I raised my brows. "It's a matter of hierarchy. Work and relationship can't be mixed."

Bosch shook his head in denial. I rolled my eyes... What was so difficult about separating work from marriage? I couldn't let him do whatever he pleased just because we were together!

"You're the captain of this vessel, but you'll never be of this relationship! You'd do what I want if you were a real woman!" Dirk punched a wooden column. "Why didn't you give me a son instead of cursing me with that girl?"

I gawked. Had Dirk said our daughter was a curse? That couldn't be real... except that it was. I gulped as the sky got dark. Gálvez could come with the kids at any minute. I didn't want him to see or hear what was going on.

"I thought you were my dream, Eva, but you're my nightmare!" Bosch wrinkled his nose. "If you really loved me, you'd change. This relationship got deteriorated because you can't compromise."

"You're saying I can't compromise?" I shot him an icy glare. "Who refuses to go out with me, rejects my gifts, criticizes me constantly, and never takes care of the children?"

"I hate your friends and your ideas for dates!" Bosch narrowed his eyes. "You might think Miguel's perfect because he watches the kids like the lady you'll never be, but do you truly believe he loves that accident?"

Did he offend both of my daughters? This is too much!

I swallowed my tears before they fell all over my face. Dirk wanted to talk in private to make me feel like garbage again? Not only me but also my daughters? I preferred being kidnapped by the Royal Navy... I'd never been so glad I didn't hide Luna from Miguel as Dirk wanted. My husband wouldn't have raised her as his own like he said. Instead, he would've made Luna's life a living hell.

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