Chapter 34: Not being yourself is boring

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The evening had just begun. I wouldn't stop panting. Those SHA grandmas were much faster than they used to be... Had they eaten something different? Perhaps they'd had a secret drink to enhance their strength! Although my friends and I were on the street, the idiots kept chasing us... No, I didn't throw fruits on the ground this time. I looked in every direction and my mom was nowhere to be seen. The tears came back as I remembered her pain. We hadn't known each other for long but seeing her suffer broke my heart. Mom deserved a second chance. I took several deep breaths to avoid remembering she'd run away. Once everyone reached the port, I hoped the men behind us wouldn't ruin our ships. Many enemies tried to do that before we had a chance to sail... What a bunch of morons! Besides wanting to plunder happily ever after, I wanted to see my daughters. I couldn't have them back as long as that evil organization existed.

Maartje huffed, "Why won't they stop coming?"

"Because they live to kill us," I sighed while grabbing my cutlass. "The poor souls don't know being a pirate is much better."

Laurens frowned, "Speaking of poor souls, where's Andrew? Did he turn on us?"

"I don't think so," Miguel pointed behind the approaching SHA men. "Perhaps there's hope for him yet."

My eyes widened as Andrew shot the guys chasing us. Our enemies fell so quickly that their noses probably broke. Had I underestimated the admiral? Probably! I scowled once I observed his clothes... Something was wrong. Knight no longer wore his black and gold Royal Navy cocked hat. His dark blue coat was gone too. Andrew panted while approaching us. Francis didn't growl, so maybe Miguel was right.

"I'm sorry for leading you to a trap. Atkins still had the letter," Andrew put the broadsword back in his weapon belt. "I left the Royal Navy."

Joaquim crossed his arms, "Why should I care?"

Knight glanced at Faria for an instant. The Portuguese man sighed and looked away, seemingly upset. Those two were hopeless... Why didn't they just make amends? Damn it!

"More men are coming," Knight raised his brows. "You must go to your vessels before the SHA destroys them. Atkins is determined to keep the organization alive."

"Are you kidding me?" I huffed. "I thought the SHA was my mom's idea and that Atkins only helped her!"

"That's right, but he got too involved. He wanted to continue it even after I withdrew my support," the former admiral looked back. "Although Reyes and Van Osten don't like the idea much, both fear Atkins, so they're showing up for battle."

Ricci gulped, "Did Atkins ever hurt my mom?"

"He threatened her a few times. Never got physical," Andrew cleared his throat while gazing in every direction. "We should go."

Giacomo kindly pulled Nuria by the hand, "Come on, amore mio."

My cousin gazed at Andrew, "What about you? We could use all the help we can get."

"I'll go to Joaquim's vessel," Knight turned to Pilantra. "If he allows me."

Faria shook his head in denial, "No way!"

Ricci and Nuria left. My friends and I looked at each other, unsure what to do. My dog whined as if he shared my concern... I couldn't believe we'd get smashed by the SHA because of a couple's fight! Sorry, former couple. My only consolation was my entire crew had probably arrived at Ocean Storm already. We'd agreed to sail away that evening, so at least I wouldn't have to look for everyone.

"The three of you must go with Francis. Prepare our weapons," I gazed at my best friends. "I'll catch up."

"This belongs to you," Maartje removed the jewel from inside her vest. "We appreciate your assistance."

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