Chapter 31: Gentleman in distress

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My eyes were frozen open. When I thought things couldn't get any worse... Guess what? They did! Miguel took a step back while Juliette kept examining him as if he was for sale... What a witch! I breathed faster and clenched my fists, ready to smash her if necessary. I should've brought Francis. If my dog was there, he would've bitten her already. Narrowing my eyes, I felt a strange will to say all the bad words I knew... Juliette slowly approached us. Her calm was so extreme that it terrified me. I chewed on my lip, hoping the French woman had some goodness in her heart... Assuming she had a heart after betraying poor Gálvez. I suddenly felt small as she walked closer. Besides being taller, Juliette was stunningly beautiful. I glanced away, slightly ashamed of my old pirate captain outfit. If that woman was indeed a good manipulator, I'd lost Miguel already.

"Come on in," Juliette gave us space to enter. "My cook will finish dinner soon."

Miguel stared at the ground. The lady wouldn't stop smiling, seemingly having fun with his agony. I took a deep breath, controlling myself not to do something I'd regret... Well, I wouldn't regret it, so never mind. We sat by a large table. Juliette served a sparkly yellowish beverage for us. I scowled while feeling the bitter taste.

"I'm sure you never tried champagne," she shot me a defiant gaze. "It's too elegant for your pirate taste."

I forced a smile, "I have an extremely elegant cutlass. Would you like to touch it?"

Gálvez covered his mouth, seemingly hiding a laugh. Juliette rolled her eyes and sipped her champagne. I didn't blink, showing I wasn't afraid.

"When you worked for my dad, you drank so much that your shirt smelled like alcohol," Miguel raised his brows. "Don't pretend you're sophisticated, Juliette."

"I'm not that woman anymore," Juliette's lips curled into a coy grin. "Besides, we know you loved to smell me..."

"We didn't come here for this!" I cleared my throat. "What about proving I'm Carolien's daughter? She said you're good at detecting lies."

"Let's do that later," the French lady leaned closer to the Spaniard and caressed his arm. "Miguel and I have a lot to catch up on."

He pulled away, "No, we don't. I broke up with you, remember?"

"So weak! Couldn't you handle a few love affairs?" Juliette rolled her eyes. "You should've fixed your flaws after realizing my unsatisfaction!"

"You mistreat anyone who doesn't do everything you want," Gálvez shot his ex an icy glare. "Are you sure I am the one who needs fixing?"

"My husband bends to his queen's will like a good man," she winked. "If you'd done the same, you've could've been my king."

Miguel shook his head in denial. I pursed my lips, feeling as if my entire body would explode. I frowned once I saw myself smashing a napkin... The French lady chuckled, apparently happy with my misery.

"Quit bothering my quartermaster!" I crossed my arms. "What are your requirements to believe I'm my mother's kid?"

"Can't you have a good time?" the woman laughed as if I was a worm. "I thought you were fun, but you're just a boring lady with a manly..."

"Stop now, Juliette!" Miguel ground his teeth. "I'm not letting you say these things about Eva!"

"You didn't protect me so fiercely when we were together," Juliette's lips curled into a defiant smile. "Still, you let me walk all over you, so I had my fun..."

"Enough!" I glared at the French lady. "Based on your attitude, you aren't meeting me out of the goodness of your heart. What do you want?"

This woman is a sadistic freak!

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