Chapter 22: Will I become Captain Octopus?

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That day went by faster than I'd imagined. Although I wanted to chase the SHA when I saw my friends on their ship, I couldn't. There was no way to sail without my crew... What? I was crazy, but not that much! I paced nonstop as the sky was dark. Francis and the kids played on a corner of the main deck while I waited for my crew to return. Besides losing friends, I'd lost two of my most essential crewmembers... How would I sail without a boatswain and a quartermaster? Luckily, Nuria had found Giacomo and Joaquim. They were on their respective ships, also awaiting their people's return. My hands were so sweaty that I could barely think. Since Wright had lied to me about our meeting, I had no idea what to do. Even a drunk dolphin was more intelligent than me at that moment... Don't look at me like that! Maybe there was alcohol somewhere in the ocean.

Miguel gently touched my shoulder, "Everything will be fine."

"Really?" I scowled. "I didn't know you were a fortune teller!"

Gálvez raised his brows. Francis tilted his head to the side, seemingly startled. Luckily, the kids kept playing, apparently unaffected. I squeezed my eyes shut while touching my forehead... The last thing I needed was to hurt one of the people I liked the most.

"I didn't mean to upset you," he glanced at the ground. "We can talk later."

Why was I so rude? Damn it!

I gulped as the Spaniard slowly pulled his hand away... I didn't want that! His warm touch was everything I needed that night... Don't even start! We were just close friends. If you join forces with my nosy family, I'm doomed.

"Wait! I'm sorry," I held him by the arm. "You never upset me. I'm just nervous about what happened."

"I understand," Gálvez looked at the horizon briefly. "Do you know where the SHA could've taken them?"

"Some island in the Caribbean," I forced a smile. "Is that helpful?"

Miguel laughed softly. I wondered why I trusted Admiral Wright... Shouldn't I have predicted his attitude? What was I thinking? Gazing at the ocean, I tried to forget my mistake. Gálvez's smile suddenly faded and his eyes bulged.

I raised a brow, "What's wrong, Miguel? Did the kids find our sugar bags and ate everything again?"

He took a step back. I almost laughed when I turned... Guess what was on my main deck? A brown rat! As if I didn't need any more problems... Although I hated rats, Miguel acted as if a monster was before him.

I cocked my head to the side, "Are you scared?"

"Me? Scared? Jamás..." the Spaniard rubbed his neck. "It's just a rat. Un animal inofensivo."

"You use more Spanish words when you're nervous," I crossed my arms. "Why don't you kill it then?"

Miguel shook his head in denial, "I'm not approaching that criatura del infierno. Rats bite and are disgusting."

"Come on!" I chuckled and walked closer to the rodent. "There's no reason to fear that little..."

The rat squeaked and approached me. I screamed loudly. Like a desperate child, I ran and leaped at Miguel. He caught me in his arms and took a step back, taking me away from the rat. I wrapped my hands around his neck, which gave me hot jitters. Our mouths were half-open as we stared into each other's eyes. My heart pounded and I panted... I couldn't tell if the cause was the rat or something else.

My navigator grabbed his blunderbuss, "Would you like me to kill the rat, Captain Storm?"

Once I nodded, Ashton eliminated the rodent. The shots made me hold Miguel even tighter. My eyes widened... Why hadn't I let him go yet? Shaking my head, I went back to the ground. My entire crew had returned... Yes, I deserved to be crowned queen of embarrassment! I couldn't believe I'd freaked out in front of everyone.

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