Chapter 7: Sailing away from trouble?

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I couldn't stop thinking about my uncle. Although my family and I had already taken him to the ocean, I hadn't accepted his death. In fact, I still felt guilty for it. It took a lot of effort from my friends to convince me not to surrender in the morning like the note had requested. We spent almost an hour talking about it until I realized giving myself over to the SHA wouldn't solve our problems. Actually, it could make them worse. As Laurens had said, they'd probably murder me and go after my crew regardless. The SHA proved to be a real pirate killer after what they did to my uncle Ruben. Throwing fruits to make my enemies trip wouldn't solve the problem... Don't judge me! I know you thought of that too. Even Dirk admitted my trick with the fruits was good. That happened when he didn't see me as a nuisance, but it still counts. Anyway, I tried not to think of my issues as I watched the sunset from the main deck. Francis followed me and whined, seemingly feeling my concern.

"Uncle Ruben died, the SHA is still out there, Dirk treats me horribly..." I glanced at the horizon. "Life just gets more fun!"

Francis licked my hand as if he agreed... Don't look at me like that! Dogs can be better than people sometimes. At least they listen and don't twist your words... or make you feel like garbage... Yeah, you know who I'm talking about. Bosch drank a bottle of rum on the forecastle deck. For an instant, I thought he'd come to me and talk, but guess what? He shot me an icy glare, punched the foremast, and went downstairs... Simply adorable!

Would it kill Dirk if he showed me love once in a while?

While Maartje and Laurens held hands on a corner, I pouted like a child who'd lost a toy. God, I missed being touched like that... I huffed and went to the gun deck to avoid freaking out. I smiled while observing the kids playing with Gálvez. Kenneth had built a small room near the cannons for the children to play.

Willem giggled, "Look at my hat!"

I laughed loudly and Francis barked as if he wanted to do the same. Miguel and the kids were wearing straw hats... Yes, you guessed it right! Stolen goods the crew didn't want or hadn't sold yet were the children's toys. Willem's had a blue ribbon, Tess' had a purple one, and Gálvez's had a pink one with a white flower just like Luna's... The things we do for our kids! How could Miguel be so fantastic? Any woman would be lucky to have him.

At least something made me laugh amidst all these problems...

Luna smiled, "Daddy and I have matching sombreros!"

"We're having a hat party," Miguel chuckled. "Would you like to join us?"

Although I had some captain duties pending, I missed playing with the children. I needed to relax after everything that had taken place. Besides, I wouldn't miss the chance to be with a person who always made me happy.

I smiled, "You know what? I'd love to!"

Tess gave me a straw hat with a yellow ribbon. When I was about to put it on, Laurens came running. My eyes bulged as it appeared he'd seen a ghost... Yeah, my fun didn't last long.

My quartermaster bit his lower lip, "Enemies approaching. We must take action."

I raised my brows, "I'm guessing they didn't come to play with the kids."

Can't I have one moment of peace? Damn it!

My quartermaster shook his head in denial and chuckled. I rubbed my forehead while looking at Luna, Tess, and Willem. Although I'd been engaging in naval battles with the kids inside Ocean Storm for years, I still worried about their safety.

"Miguel, take the kids to Tamara. I need you at the gun deck," I took a deep breath. "They'll regret interrupting our hat party!"

"Right away," Gálvez smiled and took off his hat. "They definitely will, Captain Storm."

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