Chapter 35: Will I plunder in peace again?

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My back was full of sweat as Atkins and I kept fighting. Different from my duel with Sven, that situation caused me no regrets. Every time my cutlass struck that admiral, I got one step closer to avenging my uncle and Francis. Also, I had to destroy the bastard who'd upset my mom. His eyes screamed hatred. Taking some steps back, I hoped not to get smashed against a mast again... Only God knew why my opponents enjoyed doing that so much! Perhaps they thought my body looked good against a huge piece of wood... My legs burned as we kept attacking each other. Just like my uncle had taught, I let Atkins get exhausted first. If I spent too much energy quickly, there was a good chance the admiral would turn me to dust. Even though I pretended to be confident, that man gave me the creeps. He was cold and aggressive... A type of person I wished to avoid.

"You're pathetic!" the admiral bared his teeth. "Stop resisting!"

"Are you sure I am pathetic?" I laughed. "Who put three navies together and yet is being crushed by criminals?"

The admiral attempted to injure my waist, "I'm not letting you win!"

I shot him a defiant gaze, "You already are, you moron!"

Sweating insanely, I blocked countless blows... That man was indeed stubborn! I took the opportunity to punch him in the face and slice a massive cut on his right shoulder. I tried to stab my enemy's thigh, but he dodged. I sighed, hoping my family wasn't facing opponents as bad as Hunter Atkins.

"I thought your mother was different from my cowardly wife. She shared my ambition to destroy all pirates," the admiral tried to hurt my shoulder. "Turns out she was just a stupid woman obsessed with her criminal daughter."

"You never loved my mom, did you?" I narrowed my eyes. "You just took advantage of her desperation to gain power! That's why you helped her blackmail The Englishman to start the SHA."

His lips curled into a cruel grin, "You're very smart for a woman."

"How sweet!" I smiled sarcastically while blocking him twice. "I'm sure your kindness is what my mom loved the most about you."

My legs trembled slightly as the bastard approached me. The darker the sky became, the more my sweating increased. Although one of my crewmembers lit our lamps, my vision wasn't the best at night... Yes, fire and wood weren't a good combination, but it was our only alternative. I attacked the admiral more fiercely, leaving a massive injury on his left shoulder. My friends and crewmembers still fought against invading SHA men. I wouldn't stop crying as I glanced at poor Francis on the floor.

I plunged my blade into my enemy's thigh, "You shouldn't have killed my dog!"

"I don't care about animals," Atkins scowled while dodging a blow. "They're ridiculous creatures, just like you."

Running like a maniac with my blade, I left a huge injury on the admiral's neck, making him scream loudly. I laughed hysterically... Don't judge me! The idiot deserved it.

I smiled mischievously, "Who's ridiculous again?"

Don't worry, Francis! I'll make him pay!

The admiral attempted to stab me in the chest. I dodged, making him crash his head against the mainmast. He panted while approaching me again... What a stubborn guy! Not even a wooden column could stop him... How could two women be in love with him? Only God knew! Perhaps his wife had an affair too. I wouldn't blame her if she did.

"I can't believe you almost were my stepdad," I chuckled nervously. "What would you do in the family meals? Stab me?"

The man bared his teeth, "I'd put the worst poison ever in your tea."

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