Chapter 37: "You're something else."

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20 Weeks Along

-Ava's POV-

It was loud.

Not just the yelling, calling out Harry and I's names endlessly. It was the banging, the hands constantly smacked on the car windows. Making me flinch each time a flash blinded me.

It was loud.. and utter ridiculousness.

Harry's hand gripped mine tightly as he cursed under his breath.

"It's fine." I give him a small reassuring nod.

"No it's not." He huffs, "Fuck.. seriously this is... I'm gonna ring some help."

I kept my face down as Harry put the car into reverse, trying to back out of the driveway.

He was right. It wasn't fine. Not in the least.

There were a few paps outside the gate of the house, snapping pictures and running up when they recognized Harry's car. But when he pulled up to punch in the gate code, all hell broke loose.

There were dozens of them. All yelling, surrounding the car, blocking us in. Harry didn't dare open the gate, knowing full well they have no respect for private property. They would of followed us right in.

Several stood behind the car as Harry tried backing up, wanting their photo-opp before we made our getaway. Harry let go of my hand, placing his on the back of my seat as he turned around.

His jaw was tense, a scowl covering his entire face. He usually can keep his cool around paps. No matter how rude they are, he always give them a simple and a polite hello.

But not tonight.

He gave up, turning to his window and rolling it down just enough he could speak out of it. I don't know why he even tried. They weren't going to listen.

"Can you please back the fuck up off my car?!" He questions, taking a deep breath as he holds his phone up to his ear.

My head shoots towards my window when I heard a particularly knocking on it. The second I look over a magazine is slapped up against it.

A picture of Harry gracing the front of it, leaving a hotel with a short blonde. Her hand held tightly in his. The words 'Harry Styles, will one woman ever be enough?' printed in big bold letters.

I know they're expecting a shocked reaction. A perfect photo of me looking mortified as I see a picture of Harry supposedly cheating on me.

But the only shocked reaction is their's as I bust out laughing.

"What?..." Harry gets off his phone as leans across me, his eyes widening. "What the fuck is that?"

"You with another woman apparently." I grin as he looks at me with a worried expression.

"Ava... I wouldn't.. You know I wouldn't."

I shake my head, still laughing to myself. "It's me silly."

I point to the picture as a flash goes off right next to it. "They photo-shopped blonde hair onto me. See?"

He looks it over quickly before it's pulled away from the window, "Jesus Christ.. they'll do anything for a bloody story won't they?"

"Yes, how dare you cheat on me with me."

A small smile finally breaks out on his face. One I didn't expect with how angry he was seconds ago.

"Couldn't help myself. She was right fit."

"Was she?" I raise an eyebrow at him as we shut out the world around us.

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