Chapter 64: A Slap Across the Face

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35 Weeks Along

-Ava's POV-

"Really Ava, does the bloody thermostat have to be down so low?!"

"I'm hot." I shrug, sticking another spoonful of ice cream in my mouth.

"How on earth could you be hot?!" Poppy scowls at me from under her mound of blankets. "If I had bits they'd be frozen off by now!"

"As one who has bits.." Harry speaks up, "Not quite cold enough for them to freeze off."

"Please you don't count." Poppy huffs. "You're on her side."

Harry rolls his eyes, but I see he's slightly shivering in his oversized sweater. He looks tired and pale, today having taken quite a toll on him, but he still gives me a small smile when he catches me looking at him.

I quickly glance back towards the T.V., swirling the spoon around in my now softened ice cream.

"It not any good?"

"Hmmm?" My gaze flicks back across the room to Harry.

"You usually would've had it all gone in minutes." He motions towards the bowl in my lap. "I not get the right one?"

"No, you did." I give him a reassuring smile.

"You sure? Thought it was your favorite but I can go back.."

"No, it is... Am just tired I think." I look away from him once again as our eyes meet, not being able to hold his intense gaze.

Poppy gives me a look, the same one she's given me a dozen times since Harry showed up at the apartment.

Since he showed back at the apartment, only minutes after he'd dropped me off. A tub of ice cream, my favorite ice cream, in hand and a hint of a smile on his face.

The funeral wasn't long, but the dinner after felt endless. It was just Harry's family and a few distant relatives. All of whom looked at me questioningly, the only exceptions being Robin, Anne, and Gemma.

I'm sure they were all wondering why I was there with Harry. When we were supposedly broken up.

Well, now I guess it isn't just supposedly.

I brushed it off, trying my best to ignore the quiet conversations I heard going on around us. Today was about supporting Harry, not worrying about what his family thought of me.

But I know I didn't do a very good job of it. We were in such an awkward place..

He felt it too, I could tell by the way he would tentatively rest his hand on my lower back every now and then, pulling it away soon after. I was no better, grasping his hand when I could sense he was upset, then quickly letting it go. Neither of us knew quite how to act.

And I was the only one to blame.

I was the one still deciding.. still not quite sure if I wanted to put that trust in him again.

I knew it wasn't quite fair to him, being here for him now; giving him comfort when I still wasn't sure.

But I just couldn't turn him away. Not when he was hurting.

Poppy coughs, pulling me out of my thoughts as she narrows her eyes at me and subtly motions towards Harry.

I shake my head as she stands up and stretches.

"I'm completely knackered." She yawns. "My warm bed is calling me, don't think I've the heart to disappoint it."

"You don't want to watch a movie?" I question, my eyes begging her not to abandon me.

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