Chapter 51: A Complete Mess

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27 Weeks Along

-Ava's POV-

"You look lovely."

"I'm huge."

"Heavily pregnant is the better term I think."

"Aka I'm huge. I look horrible." I whine, "Let's just stay in."

"Nope." Finn shakes his head at me. "We're going out."

"Fine. Just let me change."

"You look cute. Leave it." Finn guides me away from my closet and out of the room.

I give in, letting him lead me to the front door where I take a seat on a chair.

"Which shoes?" Finn asks as he looks at several pairs of them lined up next to the front door.

"The converse. Nothing else fits." I huff.

"Don't knock the converse." Finn scolds me, raising his eyebrows as he grabs my shoes.

I chuckle light heartedly, remembering they are Finn's shoe of choice. Unless he's in a suit, they are the only shoes ever adorning his big feet.

I begrudgingly let him put them on me, knowing its no use to put up a fight. My belly gets in the way of everything these days.

I would be annoyed if it wasn't for the fact that meant I had a little girl inside me growing. I would happily suffer through years of back pain, swollen feet, and having to pee every ten minutes to have our baby born healthy and strong.

"Alright." Finn stands to his feet, holding out his hands. "Up you go."

I grasp his hands, using them to help me stand back upright. I take a quick look in the mirror, instantly wishing I hadn't.

My outfit was pulled on without a thought given to it. The grey tee and dark green pants were chosen for their comfort level, which has become high on my list of priorities.

I should of stood my ground on wanting to change. But honestly, the thought of having to navigate around my belly to pull clothes on and off is tiring enough.

I groan as I reconcile myself to the fact it's as good as it's going to get.

"Here." Finn pulls the NY baseball cap off his head and sets it on mine.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "I don't want to wear your hat."

"It's not mine... It's Harry's."

My heart hurts a bit at the sound of his name, missing him even more.

"Gem and and I were at his flat last night." He explains, "Told him I was having lunch with you. Gave it to me before I left. Asked me to give it to you."

"Oh." I respond quietly, looking at the hat sitting on my head in a new light.

I would normally never wear one. But this is different. This is Harry giving me something he can see me in, but no one will know it's his.

We've done this a couple times the past few weeks. Sent the other something of ours to wear. Knowing we would mostly likely be photographed in it. Knowing the other would most likely see it.

It was our little secret. A sign we still belonged to each other. One we could see but no one else would understand the significance of.

It was ours.

A small smile creeps onto my face as I grab my bag and Finn opens the door. It was almost humorous. How something as simple as a hat could make my day.

Make my week actually.

"Now you want to wear it." Finn pouts, shaking his head at me. "When you thought it was mine, you looked like you'd eaten a sour grape."

"Oh stop." My cheeks flush as I shove him lightly out the door, closing and locking it behind us as he laughs at me.

"Where are we headed?" I question once we're settled in Finn's car and he pulls out onto the street.

"Thought we could go to Orchard. Heard of it?"

"No." I shake my head as I watch the streets of downtown London pass by.

"Supposed to be really good."

We spend the rest of the drive discussing Finn's work and his desire to move back to the UK. He insists it's only because it would be a good career move, but I'm guessing his growing feelings for Gemma have more to do with it.

We park down the street from the small cafe, deciding to stretch our legs a bit since the weather is unseasonably warm.

I keep my head down as we pass a group of young teenage girls, mentally thanking Harry's hat for keeping me hidden. Rude and hateful remarks have sadly become a regular part of going out in public lately.

I knew the boys fans were faithful to them, but I didn't realize how long they could hold a grudge.

When we reach Orchard, Finn opens the door for me, letting me step in first. I Immediately take a liking to the cozy atmosphere and smell of fresh baked bread.

There's just a few couples scattered throughout the small room and three or four standing around one of the tables in back. Quiet, just how I like it.

Finn and I take a seat at one of the dark wooden tables as a waitress walks up to us, a big smile spread across her small round face.

"Can I get you something to drink?" She asks, placing menus down in front of us.

"What kind of tea do you..." I start to ask, the words getting stuck in my throat as my eyes glance across the room.

I hear Finn's voice, but can't focus on the words as a small group of people pass us.

I hear the bell chime on the front door, signaling they've gone, leaving only two people sitting at the little table in the back of the cafe.

Two people who share the same dimpled smile. Who share the same last name.

My last name.

My heart feels like it could beat out of my chest as Gemma looks up, her eyes widening as she spots me.

She directs a few words across the table from her and within seconds two green eyes meet mine.

And suddenly I can't breathe.

We've talked almost every day. But I haven't seen him, actually seen him, in more then a month. Thirty six days to be exact.

Thirty six days.

Finn's hand on my arm startles me, but my eyes stay locked with Harry's.

"Shite Ava, I'm so sorry. Didn't realize they'd be here. Gemma's the one who told me about the place, but didn't know they'd be here. I'm sorry. Fuck. I didn't know." Finn pauses, taking a breath. "We should go right?"

His question brings me back to reality, making me aware of what's really happening.

I stand up abruptly, my round belly bumping into the table and knocking a glass over.

The waitress steps back as I hastily grab my bag off the chair next to mine, looking back and forth between Finn and I worriedly.

Finn apologizes for me as I head for the door. Not being able to get out of there fast enough.

I feel sick and happy and sad and upset and excited all at the same time.

I'm a mess. A complete mess.

And I'm crying.

Random tears slide down my cheeks as my hormones go into overdrive.

Just as I reach for the door, my hand pressing against the handle, I'm pulled back.

A large hand softly grasps my arm, tugging me away from the door gently.

"Finn, don't.." I shake my head as I turn around, sucking in a breath when I see who has hold of me.


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