Chapter 49: "Something?"

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25 Weeks Along

-Harry's POV-

My bag hit the floor of the bus with a heavy thud, a curse escaping my lips as a few books fell out onto the floor.

"Still in a brilliant mood I see."

"Sod off Louie."

"My holiday was lovely, in case you were wondering."

"Wasn't." I grumbled, snatching the books off the floor and chucking them into my bunk.

A raised eyebrow from Louie causes me to sigh and drop myself down onto my bunk.

"Sorry." I breathe out, "Not... Not your fault my life has gone to shite."

"True." Louie nods, taking a seat on the bunk across from me. "But instead of stomping around like the belligerent toddler you have been the past few weeks, why don't you share what in particular is up your arse at the moment."

I narrow my eyes at him, feeling the need to defend my actions, but knowing I've no reason to. He's right. Couldn't be more right actually. I've been in an absolutely wretched mood ever since I left Ava back in London two weeks ago.

"Aren't you quite bored of hearing me go on about this?" I question.

"On the contrary, it tends to help me keep things in perspective a bit."

"How's that?"

"Whenever things get a bit ridiculous with El, I can focus on the fact it could be worse. We could be you and Ava." Louie smirks at me.

"Thanks mate." I shake my head at his attempt to lighten the mood. As usual, he does a piss poor job of it.

"Anytime. Now why did you come back from holiday in a worse mood then you left in?"

"Multiple reasons."

"Which are...?" Louie prods me.

I run my hand through my hair before dropping my hands on my lap. "We had six days off..."

"Usually that's a good thing."

"Let me finish will ya?" I chuck a pillow at him, smacking him in the face. Not even the look of shock on it is able to bring a smile to mine.

"Fine." He throws the pillow back at me. "Continue."

I roll my eyes at his bossy attitude.

"We had six days off." I continue. "I should of been back in London, with Av. On a flight to her the second our last show was over. But I couldn't. So I go to L.A... looking forward to at least being home, sleeping in our bed. Knowing it probably still smells like her. But I couldn't. Cause it's Ava's house. So I have to stay with some mates, when I really don't bloody well feel like being around anyone. Having to force a smile on my face and not tell them to fuck off every time they mention some bird they want me to meet. And, as if my week couldn't get worse.. I can't get ahold of Ava. Having to deal with all that shit and I can't even hear her voice. All I want is to just hear her voice Louie."

"What do you mean, you can't get ahold of her? She's not answering when you ring her?"

"No. Not my calls or texts. Tried Poppy's number as well and nothing. Same with Finn. Finally talked to him yesterday, he was with Gem up in Holmes Chapel when I rang her. Said last he talked to Av, she was fine. But she's not. She's tired of all this shit. I know she is."

"Mate, I don't think..."

"No Louie." I cut him off. "It's to much. Even for Ava. She's already put up with so much with me. Everyone has their breaking point yeah? Think... I think maybe she's at hers. Finally realizes I'm not worth all of it."

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