Chapter 5: A Last Minute Change of Plans

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12 Weeks Along

-Ava's POV-

"I'm telling you Poppy.. Something's wrong."

"Relax love. The lad has a lot on his plate. What with the tour and the wedding."

I sigh, aimlessly moving the food around on my plate with my fork.

"He's barely spoken to me in days."

"I highly doubt that." Poppy frowns at me from across the small table.

"It's true. He seems so worried. Nervous even." I push my plate away. My appetite is non-existent. "You think he's having second thoughts?"

"Seriously?" Poppy laughs, her hand being placed on top of mine and giving it a tight squeeze. "Pregnancy has made you completely mad! Of course he isn't!"

"I don't know..."

"Well I do. The only thing the bloke is questioning right now is how to wear his hair at the wedding."

I chuckle, happy I have Poppy with me. She can always lighten my mood.

"Now eat." She commands, shoving my plate back towards me. "My god-baby needs food."

I give in, forcing myself to get as much down as I can. I can never eat when I'm like this.

"So have you told any of the other boys about the baby?" She questions.

"No, only you, Louie, and Anne know."

"Can't wait to see Gemma's face when you announce it at the reception. She'll go from crying happy tears to popping Harry properly in the nose in less then thirty seconds."

"No doubt." I laugh, "Finn told me he's considering moving back to London. Wants to be closer to Gem."

"Wow." Poppy eyes widen, "Never took Finn for the sort to pull up stakes for a bird before."

"He's completely smitten with her. It's so cute."

"I'll admit, they do make an annoyingly perfect couple. To many of you about these days." She takes a sip of her wine, "You and Harry making love, babies, and marriage. Makes a single women a bit jealous. Do me a favor and tell me the sex is horrendous."

"Poppy!" I whisper yell at her as the eyes from the women the next table over rest on us. Eyebrows raised in judgement.

"What?!" She laughs but lowers her voice. "Calm down. They probably just know what a ridiculous request that was. You are dating Harry Styles after all. The lad looks like pure sex walking around amongst us mere mortals."

"Poppy..." I blush while mentally agreeing with her.

"Be a proper mate and let me live vicariously through you. It's been ages since I've had a good bonk."

"I figured you and Niall..."

"Heavens no!" Poppy shakes her head at me, "We're done with all that. Until we get wildly pissed and give in to our sinful desires that is."

"With your self control that will last until about three minutes after you see him today. He asked when your flight was getting in."

"I have missed his tight little arse..." She laughs as I cringe. "Now back to more important things. How is he?"

"I'm not discussing this." I fidget in my seat just thinking about it. I could go on for days about how amazing sex with Harry is. Literally days.

Maybe more...

Yes definitely more.

But there's no way I would. Some things need to stay private. And mine. All mine.

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