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Rapunzel didn't see Varian again until the banquet. Apparently, they'd been invited to it by her father and Varian was wearing even nicer clothes than usual. Of course, so was she. Eugene was also, of course, dressed in his finest, with his ring in the inner pocket of his tailcoat, ready to propose to her.

She felt anxious. She wanted to run, but he called her up and she had to get up with everyone staring at her. Everyone but Varian, who was looking to the side guiltily. She looked at Eugene as he dropped down on one knee in front of her and pulled out the ring, holding it up and beginning his proposal that promised she would be in the castle forever...and ever...and ever.

She cleared her throat. "! Uh...I love you Eugene, but...I...I need to...think about it." She glanced around anxiously. "I...uh...I need...I need some air." She backed up, then fled the area.

"Uh, Sunshine?!" Eugene stood up in confusion, but she ignored him.

She ran and ran until she reached the tunnels and then she hid and held her head with frustration. "I can't...I can't stay here, I..."

She gasped when she heard footsteps and looked up to see Varian had joined her. "...How did you think to find me here?"

"Only you and I know it." He shrugged. "At least at this point."

She sighed and looked down. "Varian..."

He sat down next to her. "...Let's do it."

"What?" she looked up with surprise.

"Let's get out of here." He stood up and offered her his hand.

"What changed your mind?" She asked, taking his hand and getting up.

"There's nothing but a wasteland beyond the wall." He said grimly. "It's all dead. And I get the feeling, if we stay here, that's what our world, our real world, will look like."

Rapunzel gently squeezed his hand. "Let's get out of here, then. Quickly."

He nodded and they headed through the tunnels. "Shouldn't we go back out?"

"When you had the book before, I memorized the map. We can get out of the city unnoticed by going through the tunnels." Varian explained as they walked. "We just have to, heh, avoid the traps."

"Yeah, I don't have any magical long hair to save us this time." She nodded. "Oh, wow...I'd almost forgotten about it."

"It's one of the few things I retained clearly." Varian admitted.

"That's good." Rapunzel nodded, and they carefully made their way through.

"Not having Pascal here to activate traps certainly helps, too." He remarked.

They managed to make their way out of the city and to the secret dock, where they rowed away quickly. "Varian, how are we getting outside the wall?" She asked.

"We'll use rope from my home and climb up from the roof." Varian replied.

They got to the opposite bank and took off running.

"Oh dear."

They stopped short and turned to see Quirin and Eugene behind them. "Leaving so soon?" Eugene asked.

"We're done dreaming." Rapunzel said firmly.

"But it's so perfect here. So happy. Why would you want to leave?" Quirin asked.

"Because there's nothing beyond the wall, and nothing if we stay." Varian said firmly.

"Is that your final answer?" Eugene asked.

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