Rise Up

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Lucas' sabotaging their propaganda told them that they couldn't wait much longer to make a move. "If we risk getting the word out again, a lot of innocent people could get hurt when he manipulates their protest into a riot again." Varian said grimly as he drew on a scroll. "Now they're expecting a frontal attack."

"So, what do we do?" Hector asked.

Varian got up and walked over to a table and set down a scroll he'd been drawing on, unrolling it to reveal a map of the Herz Der Sonne tunnels. "We go in from below." He looked up at Rapunzel as she came up next to him. "There are exits from the tunnels all over the castle, not just the vault. We already used the vault before a year ago, so they'll know about that one. So, we'll be sending people to the exits here, here, and here." He pointed to spots on the map as they crowded closer. "Those will come out in the kitchen, the stables and this one is out by the servants' door. Finally, there's this one right here." He pointed to another exit. "This one will come out in the throne room, right behind the King's throne. Key figures should go through this one to catch the King off-guard. He will probably send Queen Arianna away for her safety, but the only ones we want is him are Nigel. Once we take them down, the Castle is ours and Rapunzel can take the throne."

"What if we run into ol' creepy eyes?" Lance asked.

"If Lucas shows up, Clyde and his father will take care of him. That's why they're in here in Corona, after all. Mr. Miller, did you find Tromus yet?"

"No, wherever he is, his aura is masked or else he's in the castle with Lucas." Floyd shook his head.

"Well, we'll handle them if they show up. Let's decide who is going to be going to the throne room. Xavier, release the signal for everyone to gather here. We'll set out through the tunnels as soon as everyone is ready. Can you make sure everyone is armed?" Rapunzel turned to the blacksmith.

"I have weapons and armor already prepared." Xavier assured her.

"Good. Send the signal." Rapunzel nodded.

Xavier bowed on one knee and then headed out to his shop. Once there, he picked up a prepared lantern that was blue with the Sundrop and Moonstone symbols painted on it. Nodding, he set it off and let it lift into the darkening sky. Other lanterns of the same look came out to join it as people made their ways out to Xavier's shop in little groups, filling the basement gradually.

It was time to strike.


Queen Arianna noticed the lanterns lifting into the sky and walked over to where she had hidden her own lantern. She lit it and set it off into the sky, then watched it go silently. The door opened and she turned to see her husband approaching her, looking weary. "Frederic, is everything alright?"

"Of course." He lied, forcing a smile as he hugged her. She fought the urge to push him away, feeling ill as he held her with the same hands that he'd used to order Varian to be so brutally abused in prison. "I didn't see Rapunzel at dinner, have you seen her?"

"She said she wasn't feeling well and requested she be left alone in her room." Queen Arianna said, still smiling. "She's still adjusting to being home, and that riot this morning probably frightened her."

"Yes...she is so very fragile." He released her and walked over to the door. "Walk with me?" He smiled.

She walked out to follow him. "Whatever happened this morning, it seems to be over. Why so tense?" She asked.

"I just...feel uneasy. I fear that the boy is...is not as confined as I thought. And I cannot bear to have him come back and hurt you again." He turned to her. "Who else would be spreading such accusations? This is no different than his little speech before he kidnapped you."

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