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Varian arrived in Corona Capital with his entourage for breakfast with Rapunzel as usual and waved to people that greeted him. It felt nice to be appreciated, though some part of him couldn't help but superimpose the image of their angrily throwing stones and fruit at him when he hadn't even done anything to warrant their hate.

Like sheep, they blindly followed the opinion of their leader – they just changed leaders, is all. If he hadn't had the support of Rapunzel, this revolution would surely have not come to pass.

They entered the castle courtyard and he stopped as he witnessed a stranger with light-brown, frumpy hair falling on his face with his butt in the air with an exasperated Maximus slapping his hand to his face nearby him.

Ruddiger laughed from behind Varian. "Need some help there, Max?"

"Sven, come on, it's not that difficult!" Maximus said as the stranger pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, putting his raised butt down on the ground. "Ruddiger, hello, no, I am fine. I do not need help teaching this...this...fool."

"Hey, don't call him names." A blond stranger walked over and helped the other stranger stand.

"Fine! You teach your reindeer to walk!" Maximus threw his hands up. "I have other priorities!"

Varian raised an eyebrow. "Reindeer?"

"Yes, reindeer. This is Kristoff and Sven, from Arendelle. They came with the Queen, the Princess, and their talking, living snowman. I need a drink." Maximus groaned, pinching his nose.

Varian chuckled and walked over to Kristoff. "Well, I hope that you've had nicer reception other than Maximus and his bad mood."

"Hey!" Maximus huffed. "I'm just annoyed that I didn't get any warning! That blasted snowman has been getting into everything, because, surprise, surprise, he doesn't sleep."

"And he has the maturity of an eight year old." Fidella said, walking over to them with a white figure running around her. "Good morning, Varian. The Queen...s are inside, just...go on and join them. Don't worry about this."

"I'll stick around and help them out." Ruddiger said to Varian, who nodded before heading in with the Brotherhood, the demon-hunters and Catalina, the latter of which ran off to join her sister when she spotted her.

"Well, looks like life in the Capital is as lively as ever." Varian said as they entered the dining hall.

"Varian, you're here!" Rapunzel waved to them.

"Oh, good, some sanity." Eugene said, looking a little haggard. "Have you seen our new resident living snowman?"

"I saw him. Haven't actually talked to him yet, Fidella ushered me in before I could. Seems, uh, the reindeer is having trouble adjusting." Varian shrugged as he walked over to take his seat, Clyde taking the seat next to him.

"Oh, Sven." Anna giggled. "I'm sure he'll be okay, he's really smart! So, you're Varian? I'm Anna, and this is Elsa!"

"Good morning." Elsa said, setting her fork down to greet him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for coming to aid us in our fight." Varian said with a soft smile.

Elsa nodded and then looked back at her food. Varian recalled hearing that she spent most of her life in isolation and, unlike Rapunzel, hadn't opened up to people as eagerly and probably regarded strangers warily. He didn't blame her, especially with the madness going on in this Kingdom.

"Did you have a good flight?" Varian asked, deciding to address her sister, instead.

Anna gasped. "Oh my gosh, it was sooooo nice, the view was sooo beautiful and the ride was sooo smooth! And I heard that you built the balloon?"

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